" Lovita coming to Chugach seems planned" Conri rubbed his chin as he walked to the bedroom to get ready for bed. Once the door closed, Conri walked to the bed and sat down while I leaned on the chest of drawers by the window.

" I can't help but feel that they were waiting for Lobo's downfall and now want to make their move. It's not as simple as we think it is. " I responded.

"Aurora Storm is not an easy woman to defeat or control. I have a feeling her son must have inherited her powers. And she must return to Chugach to ensure he becomes the pack leader" Conri expressed his thoughts.

" Fuck" I cursed and then faced Conri and said " But my dear Husband is the king of wolves. "

" I bet they don't have that information. That is why we still have the upper hand" Conri laughed.

" You will make an excellent Alpha. And I will be there by your side to watch how well you will excel"