It has been a whole two weeks since Kaka appeared and disappeared. Sayuri kept the secluded villa and it made me irritated. The maids brought the meals and It annoyed me that Sayuri stayed away.

" You miss her, " Aria chuckled.

" Maybe " I snapped.

" She is running because she is in love " Aria teased.

" She is not our mate, " I emphasized.

" But you feel something for her. That is why you are irritated. " Aria noted

" Yes. " I nodded as I walked to the large windows and stood staring as the snow fell and the night wind picked up. The storm was raging and I felt the need to go for a run.

" It's Freezing " Aria stated and it sounded like a warning.

" Come on" I chuckled

" She is here" Aria stated firmly.