It was late afternoon the next day when we drove to the pearl mines with Toten and John. They sat at the back of the car while Zeeb drove us there. I had no idea what Totem did to John; what was left was this meek wolf that had his eyes down at all times.

" Why did you drag me along? " Totem demanded as he spoke to Zeeb and I watched him from the front mirror.

" We are venturing into new territories and need your guidance " Zeeb drawled.

" Bunch of crap," Toten smirked.

" And I need someone to deal with Lovita Aria" Zeeb chuckled.

" You are using me. I am deeply offended. " Totem drawled and a small smile played on his lips.

" Zeeb is right. We need you at your level best today " I chuckled and heard the sign that came from John next to him.

Zeeb shook his head and sped off the highway as we drove to the seaside area and arrived at the meeting point. Aurora and Lovita had already arrived.