The comical look on Lobo and Isamu's faces made Tizheruk chuckle and lean back on the KODA Council meeting room wall like he was watching a drama unfold.

" I am so glad you are safe " Isamu rasped and his actions made Tala, Hunter, Everest, Lovita, and Aurora smile. Lobo and Sayuri stood together as her eyes blazed at Tizheruk.

" Did you threaten anyone while I was away ?" Zineb scolded him.

He only shook his head and laughed, a sound that came deep into his chest. Tizheruk was observing him with amusement before we were interrupted by two large growls that shook the KODA council meeting room.

"Our friends are awake, " Aurora announced.

" I am glad you came back safe and sound " Hunter stated while Tala and Everest nodded.

" Aurora put a barrier to hold them off until you arrived, " Benjamin informed us.

" But Isamu says his blood can neutralize the evil wolfe bonde and subdue them. " Lovita snickered angrily.