We made our way to the beach and I took Conri to a secluded place between the rocks there was a small beach house built, hidden from the view but had a great view of the sea.

" When did you get this done ?" Conri asked.

" I was bored and came here the first day. An idea came to mind and I did it after Alexander confirmed that this was Tizheruk's land. " I informed Conri.

" It has your scent " I stated as we got into the shed and found that Lucian had replicated the shed in the woods as it matched the one in the Freki forest.

" I was worried, " I confessed to Conri.

Soft lips connected with mine and Conri's hand went to my name and it tightened. "I can handle myself, Conri, I am the king of wolves and you need to have faith in me.

"You're my mate I must worry about " I responded in between kisses.