Laying in bed later that night, sleep eluded both of us and we were lost deep in thoughts. Tizheruk had sent a message that he had arrived in Sitka. They had searched the ocean for hours and found nothing. But the pearl nest that had been destroyed had corroded the ocean floor and Tizheruk sensed the power of the Tabular deep in the place where the next was.

" I am beginning to hate the fact that we have all these responsibilities that put our families in danger. "Conri groaned.

"I honestly think that someone in Sitka must have known that Tizheruk disposed of the Tabular on the ocean floor and informed Aipaloovik" I responded.

"I want to wake up to a safe Golden shifter pack but I feel that we need to go in search of Tabular as soon as possible so that we end this game." Conri responded.

"We need to call Tizheruk in the morning and find out what he has planned. " I suggested.