We spent the whole night drinking in merry and by the time we went to bed it was way past midnight.

"Bering, are you happy?" Haida asked.

"Yes love" I nodded at her. "Very happy"

"Then why did you and Meglado spend so much time in the pearl nest?" Haida asked.

"Because Meglado was worried. They have plans to adopt Charry, but he was not sure she would agree" I explained to Haida.

"What? She will agree "Haida responded.

"Hence, I reassured him that she would agree, and we decided to have the Inuit sea ceremony and welcome Charry as the daughter of Dark Serpent Leader Asheral and The Immortal Spear Meglado. "I rubbed Haida's cheeks.

"Charry will have a complete family "Haida beamed.

I nodded and added "We also discussed my dream and Meglado made a few clarifications. "I narrated to Haida the conversation we had with Meglado, and she listened keenly as her eyes widened at every revelation from my mouth.