Emotions on fire

Alex and Jack were sitting together in the canteen, eating their lunch and talking about their test results. Jack says with a big smile on his face, "See bro, I have got 80 out of 100 marks! Tell me how many marks have you got?" Jack says, furrowing his eyebrows. "Now don't say that you have failed." Jack looks at Alex as he waits for his answer to his question.

Alex makes a face and says with tension in his voice, "I have failed, and Miss Carole has given me the punishment of cleaning the entire class alone. And if my parents find out, I'll be in big trouble!" Alex says, with his voice rising, resting his head on the table.

After hearing Alex's words, Jack decided to tease Alex a bit, "If your scientist parents found out that their son failed the math test, they wouldn't like this thing about you. They might even kick you out of the house. Did I say it right, Alex?" Jack says to Alex teasingly.

Alex gets angry after listening to Jack and says, "You find all this funny?" Jack chuckles and replies, "Come on, Alex, I'm just kidding. Your parents won't disown you for a math test." Jack pats Alex on the back, trying to ease the tension.

Alex, still frustrated, retorts, "Easy for you to say, Mr. 80 out of 100. Not all of us are math wizards." He gives Jack a playful shove.

Jack laughs, "Well, you're the football genius. We all have our strengths." Jack looks around, noticing Lily nearby, and nudges Alex, "Maybe Lily can help you with math. You know she's got a knack for it."

Alex raises an eyebrow, considering the idea. "Maybe, but I've got to survive cleaning duty first. Miss Carole can be merciless."

As they continue their banter, the canteen buzzes with the sounds of laughter and clinking cutlery, creating a lively atmosphere amid the students enjoying their lunch.

Alex and Jack are joking around when Lily comes up to Alex with her eyes shining and a big smile on her face. She says with enthusiasm in her voice, "Brother, look, I have got A100 out of A100 marks in Maths." After listening to Lily, Alex says to her with a forced smile on his face, "Well done! I'm proud of you, Lily." Alex feels a little jealous inside, but he's happy for his sister.

Lily is very happy after listening to Alex and says, "Then now you have to give me a treat because I got full marks. Won't you give me a treat?" Lily says with innocence on her face.

Seeing such a silly act of his sister, Alex says, "Okay, okay, I will give you your favorite ice cream, okay!" Lily says, "Sure!" Alex replies, 'Sure' and catches Lily's pinky finger with his own finger, making a pinky promise.

Alex, Lily, and Jack were enjoying their lunch when four unruly boys, Jimmy, Mellow, Kiel, and Mike, came towards them, spoiling their enjoyment. Jimmy came near Alex's table and placed his hand on the table, causing a loud noise that attracted the attention of all the students present in the canteen. Alex, Lily, and Jack are saddened by Jimmy's arrival.

Alex says to Jimmy with a stern tone in his voice, 'What's wrong with you, Jimmy? Get out of here right now.' After listening to Alex, Jimmy says with arrogance on his face, "If I don't go? What will you do huh? Will you fight with me? But you don't have any powers; how will you fight me with these fragile hands of yours?" After saying this, Jimmy and his three friends started laughing loudly.

Jack, annoyed by Jimmy's attitude, stands up and says, "Enough, Jimmy! Why don't you just leave them alone? What's your problem?" Jack's eyes flash with a hint of lightning as a warning.

Seeing Jack's action, Mellow stands in front of him and asks Jack not to interfere in any way.

Hearing Jimmy's words, Alex grits his teeth but decides to avoid escalating the situation, saying, "Get out of here; I don't want any drama, Jimmy." However, Jimmy persists, taunting Alex he said you need your little sister to protect yourself, I have never seen such a useless and weak brother who can't even save his younger sister. Fueled by anger, Alex throws a punch towards Jimmy.

Jimmy, using his powers, quickly petrified himself transforms into Hard Rockman, causing Alex's punch to hit his hard body, injuring Alex in the process. Screaming in pain "AAH my hand!", Alex is left wounded.

Witnessing her brother in distress, Lily and Jack rush to help, but Mellow uses his sonic powers to knock them away, proclaiming, "Not this time, kids." He used hi Sonic waves to push them back.

Lily, overwhelmed by worry for her brother, can't stand back. Flames were burning in her eyes, Lily's fists were tightly clenched and fire was coming out of them too, As soon as Jimmy's attention turns to Lilly, his eyes widen in fear. Alex notices Jimmy's expression widening and looks at Lily,Seeing Lily in such state, Alex yanks Jimmy's hand from his collar and before he can take a step forward to calm Lily,She rushes in, screaming at the bullies to get away from Alex. Lily's intense emotions cause her powers to go out of control ,resulting in a loud explosion in the canteen with a resounding "Boom."

The students who has powers present there save themselves, and those without powers got saved by their friends who has powers in time. The situation intensifies with Lily's powers creating chaos.

Hearing the bang, the Principal, who is in a meeting about how to control students with superpowers, rushes towards the canteen. Upon arrival, they find the canteen completely burnt, but thankfully, no one is seriously injured.

Amidst the aftermath, Alex, who is hiding behind a table with burns on his arms, looks at his unconscious sister on the floor. Seeing Lily in such a condition, Alex's heart skips a beat. He rushes towards her, panic in his voice and tears in his eyes, calling, "Lily, Lily, can you hear me? Open your eyes, please." Lily slightly opens her eyes after hearing Alex and weakly says, "Brother." Alex sighs with relief as Lily regains consciousness.

The rescue team arrives quickly, and students with powers of water, ice, and wind handle the situation. The Principal contacts Alex and Lily's parents, informing them of the incident and urging them to come to the school immediately.

David and Grace, the parents, rush to the school in concern. Grace, worried, calls out to her children, "Lily, Alex, are you both okay?" Lily, resting her head on her brother's shoulder, looks at her mother, runs towards her, and hugs her, crying bitterly. She explains, "Mother, I didn't do anything intentionally. I was just angry after seeing Alex in trouble; those boys were harassing him."

Grace consoles Lily, saying, "Don't blame yourself, my child. You've just gained these powers, and you have no control over them. It's not your fault. Now, just relax."

After apologizing to the principal, David assures, "I will compensate for whatever loss the school has suffered." Principal Taylor expresses gratitude, saying, "Thanks, Mr. Anderson. Take care of Lily; she might still be scared." David nods in agreement, bids farewell to the principal, and joins his family.

With a smile on his face, David gathers his family, saying, "Okay, now let's go home, guys." In the car, both siblings are sleeping, but David notices tears in Grace's eyes. Concerned, he asks, "Are you scared?" Grace replies, "Yes, I am. Lily promised me this morning that she wouldn't give away her powers just like that, and it all happened,If anything had happened to Alex, he wouldn't have any powers, fourtunetly he was lucky to find cover to escape from the fire. Don't you feel scared?" David shares his concern and replies, "Yes, I felt. Luckily, the other kids there took care of everything before things got worse. I guess until we figure out a solution to all this, we'll have to train Lily with her powers. Such an incident should not happen again, and this will also help us in our ongoing research about the receptive powers of these kids." Grace responds with a simple "Hm" and turns to look at her children sleeping in the back seat with tears in her eyes.

At home David and Alexis wore a fireproof full body suit , a fireball accelerates and hits a glass bottle, shattering it. Lily, Alex, and David express excitement, and David praises Lily, saying, "That's my girl." David and Grace decide not to go to the lab that day but stay at home for few days to help Lily recover from the accident. They plan to balance their time between supporting Lily and keeping up with their lab work.

Because of absence of Andersons in the lab ,Marshall Lucas contacts them, questioning their decision to stay away from the lab. "Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, you intend to stay away from the lab for how many days? Don't you think this is an irresponsible act?" he says with a stern tone.

David responds confidently, "We have to take care of our family too, Marshal. It would be better if you give some time to your family as well." Without hesitation, Marshal Lucas replied, "I do not have any family, I have not tied myself to any such relationship which would prevent me from performing my duty. As soon as possible, both of you should attend the lab and proceed with the research properly. Otherwise, we will have to remove both of you from your positions and hire someone else, and we also have such a capable person."

Before David and Grace can respond, Marshall Lucas abruptly disconnects the communicator. Concerned, David says, "We have to get back to the lab as soon as possible." Grace questions, "Do you think that Marshall Lucas is telling the truth that he will have someone else capable of doing this research?" David takes a deep breath and responds, "Hmm, I know someone who can continue this research like us, but he isin jail . That's why we were selected for this research."

David says this without any emotion .

The mysterious revelation leaves a lingering question in the air, Who is the person who can replace David and Grace?and why he is in jail Stay tuned to our novel "Eclipsed Destiny" to know more