
Clickz Date Night

Kane's Pov

"You look incredible angel" I tell her as we walk up towards the restaurant, my fingers linked with hers and tingles flowing through me.

"So do you Kane, how you matched the black suit and shirt with my dress and your red tie with my red accessories is so cute. I love it" she says grinning and I kiss her temple smiling as we walk into Clickz happy.

"8pm, Cross" I tell the woman hoping it's not the same one but as I watch her blush I know it is.

"Right this way sir" she says staying professional and I lead Cleo over to our table and pulling her seat out before pushing her in and taking my own. We're handed menus and I order a bottle of champagne for us.

"Are we celebrating something handsome?" Cleo asks when she leaves and I nod.

"We are angel" I say smiling at her seeing the confusion in her eyes and chuckling taking her hand.