Chapter 1: Rebirth, Sanctuary Game

Da Xia, the Magic City.

It was around eight or nine in the evening, and the city was filled with neon lights, bustling traffic, and the sound of laughter. Everywhere, there was an atmosphere of happiness and harmony.

Charles stood by the window, looking at this familiar scene, filled with nostalgia and a hint of excitement on his face.

"It's not an illusion!"

"I have been reborn!"

Just a moment ago, he was fiercely resisting the darkness in his sanctuary, but his powers were not strong enough, and he died at the hands of dark creatures.

But the next moment, he was back at the starting point of it all.

Looking at the beautiful world before him, Charles felt an overwhelming sense of nostalgia.

"But unfortunately, the darkness is about to shroud the city."

Who could have imagined that such an ordinary and mundane world would be invaded by darkness and the gaze of an evil god a month later?

These evil gods fed on the essence of the world, destroying one world after another.

Blue Star was their next target.

When the evil gods arrived, not only would they bring their presence, but also a multitude of terrifying monsters that followed them.

At the same time, due to the overwhelming power of the evil gods, it affected everything in nature. Beasts and plants would evolve, natural disasters would ravage the land, and living creatures would find it difficult to survive on the surface, being forced to take shelter in one sanctuary after another.

Thinking about facing those terrifying evil gods once again, Charles felt no fear but rather immense excitement.

Without hesitation, he picked up his phone, opened a gaming app, and searched for the words "sanctuary." A game called "Dark Sanctuary" appeared before his eyes.

"As expected!"

His eyes sparkled, and Charles's expression was filled with joy.

This was his confidence to confront the evil gods without fear.

In the previous life, two months after the world was shrouded in darkness, Charles learned that a month before the darkness arrived, the will of the Earth had awakened. For humanity to resist the darkness and have the ability to deal with the evil gods, the will of the Earth forcibly connected the worlds that had been devoured by the evil gods, creating this game.

The game's background was a series of worlds destroyed by the evil gods.

In these worlds, there were extraordinary powers, powerful creatures, and those who wandered in the darkness after the world's destruction, homeless and displaced.

As long as players entered the game, they would have the opportunity to awaken their talents and have an endlessly upgradable sanctuary.

They could then explore the world, obtain various magical rewards by upgrading their sanctuary, and even recruit homeless wanderers to serve them.

Elves, dwarves, dragons, mages, knights, and more.

Most importantly, everything in the game could be brought back to reality.

Relying on one month of accumulation in the game and the endlessly evolving sanctuary, those players, even after the arrival of the evil gods, still enjoyed great benefits. Not only did they recruit many powerful individuals, but their sanctuaries also reached a very high level of upgrade.

Many players became rulers of their territories.

In Charles's previous life, he learned about this game too late. At the moment when darkness descended, his phone lost its network connection, and it seemed that the game had been taken down as well.

But this time, Charles wouldn't miss such an opportunity.

"It's now July 1st, and the darkness arrives on August 1st. I have exactly one month."

"During this month, I need to become stronger as quickly as possible and accumulate enough resources. Only then can I survive in the world after the darkness arrives!"

Charles's face showed a determined expression as he immediately downloaded the game.

The game was small, only 100kb, and it finished downloading in an instant.

He opened the game.

The screen went black, and then pixelated subtitles appeared.

"Dark Sanctuary."

At the same time, an eerie background music started playing.

As the introductory interface disappeared, a series of prompts appeared.

[You have downloaded "Dark Sanctuary" and become one of the players of the game.]

[Scanning your body data.]

[Scanning successful.]

[Awakening your talent.]

[Talent awakened successfully. You have obtained the talent: Hand of Synthesis.]

[Issuing a basic sanctuary for you. Please select the location to establish your sanctuary.]


[Will you enter the game?]


The screen turned black, and then a faint light appeared.

In the scene, a small room appeared with a bed, a set of tables and chairs, and a candle lit on the table, emitting a dim light.


The prompt in the corner indicated that this room was his basic sanctuary.

Inside the room, there was a small character controlled by Charles.

In addition, there were two options in the left corner.

One: Attributes.

Two: Backpack.

Charles rubbed his hands together and eagerly clicked on "Attributes."


[Extraordinary Rank: None.]

[Level: None.]

[Equipment: None.]

[Talent: Hand of Synthesis (You can synthesize any items, three times per day, and it can be upgraded).]

[Tip: After the game character dies, you can only enter the game again the next day.]

"Wow, such a powerful talent!"

Charles's face showed excitement as he read about his talent.

In his previous life, he didn't have any talents; he had only heard about them.

Now, he finally had one, and it was a very powerful talent.

With this talent in hand, coupled with the fact that he became a player ahead of time, he had confidence in surviving in the upcoming darkness!

It's a pity that the number of synthesis attempts is limited, only three times a day. Fortunately, the talent can be upgraded, so he expects the number of attempts to increase after leveling up.

As for the fact that the game character dies and can only enter the game the next day, Charles doesn't mind because he already knew about it in his previous life.

Having understood the capabilities of his talent, Charles was now ready to explore this world.

Since the sanctuary was located underground, the exit was a climbing ladder.

Charles controlled the character to leave the sanctuary, and the screen displayed a world covered in surging black mist.

Charles knew that this world was formed by the fusion of many worlds that had been consumed by the evil gods.

In this world, countless opportunities and dangers were buried.

And there were treasure chests as well.

These were special rewards given to the players by the will of the Earth, where they could obtain various items.

After the darkness arrived, these treasure chests also appeared on Earth.

It was because of these chests that many people were able to resist the darkness for several years.

Charles's next goal was to find the treasure chests and obtain rewards.

But before that, he needed a suitable weapon.

Charles controlled the character to search the surroundings.

[You have picked up a wooden stick.]

[You have picked up a stone.]

[You have synthesized the wooden stick with the stone. You obtained an item: Ironwood Club.]

[Ironwood Club.]

[Description: A wooden club made from a special ironwood material. It is very hard and has strong striking power, capable of causing significant damage.]

"Not bad."

Charles's face showed a look of joy as he immediately equipped the Ironwood Club.

With two synthesis opportunities remaining, Charles didn't waste any time and directly controlled the character to explore the black mist.

Not long after, a very familiar roar came from his phone.

"There's a Corroder!"