Chapter 7: Skill synthesis, powerful prowess

Feeling a sudden surge of inexplicable energy within his body, Charles's lips curled up into a smile of excitement.

"Transcendent power, I can't believe I obtained it so quickly in this life."

In his previous life, it took him three months after the darkness descended to obtain a Mage Rune, and even then, he had to exchange it from someone else using a large amount of resources.

But in this life, it only took him two days!

By using the Mage Rune, magical power was born within him, along with the Elemental Affinity necessary for casting elemental magic. Without Elemental Affinity, it would be impossible to release elemental magic.

In addition, Meditation allowed him to restore magical power during rest.

Of course, the most crucial aspect was the Mage's basic magic, Fireball.

This was an extraordinary skill, and with this skill in hand, Charles's exploration would go much more smoothly.

Due to the game's uniqueness, although he only used a class rune in the game, the real-life Charles still became stronger and acquired the abilities of a Mage.

His physical abilities were also enhanced.

Most notably, his mental strength was greatly intensified, at least more than twice what it used to be.

After familiarizing himself with the changes, Charles opened his character's attributes.


[Transcendent Class: Mage]

[Level: One]

[Class Skill: Fireball]

[Class Talent: Meditation]

[Class Specialization: Elemental Affinity]

[Equipment: Iron Knife]

[Talent: Synthesis Hand (You can synthesize any items, three times per day, upgradable).]

"Not bad."

The attributes had undergone significant changes compared to before.

His level had also reached level one.

However, it would be difficult to further increase his level from now on.

Level advancement required career promotion.

There were various ways to advance in the profession, requiring higher-level runes.

For example, Charles knew that there were over a dozen kinds of runes for advancing the Mage profession.

Frost Mage, Flame Mage, Magic Swordsman, and so on.

These higher-level career runes were rare, and Charles didn't expect to obtain them shortly.

"I wonder if my talent can synthesize higher-level career runes?"

Charles stroked his chin, curious.

However, such synthesis would require a basic career rune as a material, which he couldn't attempt at the moment. He would have to wait for the future.

Closing the attributes window, Charles controlled his character and left the church.

He had finished exploring the village, and now he was ready to explore in another direction.

As for leaving the village and going further?

Charles didn't have that idea for now.

The farther he ventured, the farther he would be from the sanctuary, and it would be troublesome to return later.

With limited backpack space, he needed to go back from time to time to clean up his harvest.

Leaving the village, the little character stepped into the surging mist.

With confident strides, he was bold.

The mist surged like ocean waves.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves.

Accompanied by a roar, a Corroder rushed into view, spitting out acid.

Charles deftly dodged and retaliated with a Fireball.

A loud bang.

The Corroder instantly disintegrated.

At the same time, Charles felt his magical power decrease.

It had probably decreased by about one-fifth.

Indeed, when the character in the game used skills, it reduced his real-life magical power.

After all, the character in the game was essentially him, just that he wouldn't die in the game.

"It seems like I can cast Fireball five times at most. That should be enough."

Fireball was a powerful skill, capable of instantly killing not only Corroders but also Shriekers with a single blow.

Releasing it five times consecutively would be enough to overpower even some powerful monsters.

"By the way, can skills be synthesized?"

Suddenly, Charles had this thought and decided to try it out.

He opened the attributes window and clicked on the skills.

An option immediately popped up.

[Can be synthesized.]

"Oh damn, it really can?"

Charles widened his eyes, looking astonished.

Then, his expression turned into one of ecstatic joy.

If skills could be synthesized, it would undoubtedly make his power even stronger.

Without hesitation, Charles clicked on the synthesis option.

As for the synthesis material, Charles had an idea right away.

Divine Water.

Yes, that's it.

Although Charles thought that the acid he collected from the Corroder's body could also be used for synthesis, Divine Water was a better choice.

Taking a deep breath, Charles proceeded with the operation.

[Fireball][Divine Water].

Click to synthesize.

[Synthesis successful. Your Fireball skill has disappeared, and you have obtained a new skill: Divine Flame.]

[Divine Flame.]

[Description: Flames imbued with divine power, possessing extremely high temperature and powerful destructive force against dark and malevolent creatures. It also possesses a certain healing effect.]

"So powerful, hahaha!"

Looking at the effect of the synthesized Divine Flame, Charles couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Clicking to release the skill, Charles tried it out.

A golden-white flame appeared in the hands of the character like a fiery serpent rushing toward a big tree.

The tree was instantly incinerated, turning into ashes within a second or two.

The power was tremendous, far surpassing Fireball, leaving Charles dumbfounded.

However, his expression quickly changed.

"Whoa, it consumes a lot."

He felt his magical power being consumed frantically.

It was twice as much as Fireball.

"In that case, I can only release Divine Flame twice at most in one go."

"Gritting my teeth, I can release it three times, but after the third release, I'll probably be exhausted and faint."

Well, although the number of releases is fewer than Fireball, the power is greater, so the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

But it also served as a reminder for Charles.

He couldn't casually synthesize skills in the future.

Although the power after synthesis had indeed become much stronger, his magical power was not enough to support its release.

He would have to find a way to increase his magical power.

Shaking his head, Charles took a deep breath and put down his phone, starting to meditate to restore his magical power.

After meditating for half an hour and restoring his magical power to a sufficient level, Charles controlled the character to continue exploring.

Along the way, he encountered several Corroders, but Charles didn't use Divine Flame. Instead, he killed them one by one with his iron knife and collected their drops.

Unconsciously, Charles arrived at the foot of a large mountain.

The mountain was lush, with ancient and vigorous trees, but it was shrouded in darkness, giving off an eerie and bizarre feeling.

After pondering for a moment, Charles controlled the character and entered the mountain.

Accompanied by a roar, a dark figure suddenly attacked.

Charles swiftly dodged, and upon a closer look, he found it was a wild boar.

It was a contaminated wild boar, large in size, resembling a black-armored beast with huge intimidating tusks.

The mountains in the Land of Darkness were far more dangerous than other places.

Charles couldn't afford to be careless and controlled the character seriously.

When the wild boar charged again, like a tank rushing forward, Charles didn't dare to confront it head-on. He quickly dodged and seized the opportunity to swing his iron knife at the boar.

Clang! Sparks flew.

The iron knife was nearly damaged, but the boar didn't even leave a scratch.

"Damn, it's so tough?"

Charles widened his eyes, unable to help but click his tongue. He quickly put away the iron knife, fearing that if he continued to strike, his knife would be ruined.


The wild boar roared. Being contaminated, it had no rationality. It regained its senses and charged at Charles once again.

Fearless, Charles retaliated with a Divine Flame.

The golden-white flames soared and whistled, instantly engulfing the wild boar...