Meet Up With Rowan (2)

Victoria walked into the compound. It was so secluded that it seemed as if it weren't even part of the city. She was in awe at its beauty. She couldn't believe that Rowan stayed in such a discreet place.

As she walked in, a man in a suit and dark glasses approached her. "Are you Miss Victoria Campbell?" he asked. Victoria nodded. "My boss would like you to come this way."

The man led Victoria into a condo on the top floor. As they walked, Victoria was in awe of the surroundings. The grandeur of the building and its sheer size were mesmerizing.

The man rang the doorbell and left Victoria standing there.

Victoria stood at the door, wondering if it was a mistake to come here. She knew that it would anger Sebastian, but she needed answers. What secret was Rowan hiding from her? What did he know about the company? She had to find out, no matter the cost.

As she waited for Rowan to answer the door, she couldn't help but feel nervous. She had a bad feeling about this meeting, but she had to see it through.

Suddenly, the door opened, and there stood Rowan. His face was inscrutable, revealing nothing of his thoughts or intentions. The silence hung heavy between them, until finally, Rowan spoke. "Please, come in," he said, his voice calm and measured.

Victoria hesitated for a moment, but then she stepped through the doorway.

The door closed behind her, and the sound of the lock clicking into place seemed to echo in the silence.

The room was dimly lit, and the shadows cast by the single lamp seemed to loom over her, like looming, predatory beasts. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she found it hard to breathe. What had she gotten herself into? What was she doing here?

She turned her gaze to the room around her. It was like an office, with a desk in the center and a couch along one wall. There was a coffee table with a half-empty cup of coffee on it.

The air was thick with the scent of stale coffee and cigarettes. It was clear that this room wasn't often used. Victoria stood in the center of the room, feeling uneasy and unsure of her views about Rowan.

'He smokes?' she asked herself. Surely, there was a lot she didn't know about him and maybe there was more to his identity as a CEO.

"Hey, Vicky," Rowan called, addressing Victoria by her pet name. "Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you." He spoke softly, his tone reassuring.

Victoria nodded, and he gave her a smile that somehow made her feel a bit calmer.

Victoria noticed that Rowan's hair was damp, like he'd just come out of the shower. His shirt was half-buttoned, and his pants were damp, as if he hadn't had time to dry off properly.

Victoria couldn't help but look at Rowan's face, trying to keep her eyes from wandering elsewhere. But Rowan had noticed her gaze, and he let out a quiet chuckle. "Do you like what you see?" he asked, a sly grin spreading across his face.

Victoria rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling too.

"What can I get you?" Rowan asked, putting on a serious face. "Coffee? Water? Orange juice? Anything?"

Victoria glanced around the room, hesitating before answering. "Water," she said, trying to sound professional.

"Okay, I'll get you water," Rowan replied, "but first, you need to relax. You're far too tense." With that, he disappeared to get the water.

A few minutes later, Rowan returned with a glass of water and watched as Victoria gulped it down. When she was finished, he set the empty glass on the table and turned to face her.

"You said you wanted to talk," he said. "So, what's on your mind?"

Victoria took a deep breath. "You and Sebastian are keeping something from me," she said. "I need you to be honest with me. I need to know the truth."

Rowan looked her in the eyes. "The truth about what?" Rowan asked.

Victoria took another deep breath. "About who you are. What you are," she said. "I've heard and seen things, and I just need you to be honest with me."



In a modern, high-tech space, with sleek furniture, state-of-the-art computers, and an overall minimalist aesthetic office. Sebastian sat behind his desk which was made of dark wood, and the office was bathed in soft, natural light.

The sound of the city outside is a low, steady hum.

Walking into the office, Oliver, Sebastian's secretary, spoke. "Boss," Oliver said, "you've got an important call."

"Yes?" Sebastian replied, glancing up from his paperwork. "Who's calling?"

"It's Brandon," Oliver said, and his tone indicated that this was a call not to be missed.

Sebastian's eyebrows furrowed. "What does he want?" he asked, his voice taking on a wary tone.

"I don't know, sir," Oliver said, stretching his hand to pass the phone on to Sebastian.

Sebastian slowly set down his pen and pulled his eyes away from the documents on his desk. He sat up straighter in his chair, his posture becoming more alert.

He took the phone from Oliver's outstretched hand and raised it to his ear. "What's up, Brandon?" he asked, trying to sound composed.

"I've got some news," Brandon said. His voice sounded a bit excited, and there was a hint of smugness in his tone.

Sebastian sat up even straighter, apprehension creeping into his voice. "What kind of news?"

Brandon spoke, his words tumbling out in a rush. "It's Victoria Campbell, the girl you told me to keep an eye on. She's at Rowan's house right now!"

Sebastian's posture stiffened, and he leaned forward in his chair. "Wait, what?" he asked, a note of urgency in his voice. "That sicko defiled my orders."

"I saw her get out of a taxi," Brandon explained. "She went to the gate and then disappeared inside."

"That's enough, thank you," Sebastian said, cutting off the conversation. "Keep up the good work, Brandon," he added, before hanging up the phone.

He stood up, his brow furrowed in thought. Grabbing his coat, he shrugged it on and headed for the door.

Oliver looked up at him, an inquisitive expression on his face. "Are we heading out, boss?" he asked.

"Yes, we are," Sebastian replied, "and we're heading to Rowan's house right away, so get the car ready."

"Yes, sir," Oliver replied, scrambling to his feet and rushing to get the car keys.

Sebastian strode out of the room, his mind racing. 'What was Victoria doing at Rowan's house even after he warned her not to meet Rowan again?' He knew why she went there. 'Even still, why was she so determined to find out the truth?'

He was going to teach her a good lesson when he gets a hold of her.