You Will Not Lay A Hand On Her

The room was silent for a moment, as everyone digested Myra's words. Finally, Victoria spoke up. "I appreciate your vouching for him."

"Myra, Victoria," Connor said, his voice apologetic. "I'm really sorry for jumping to conclusions. If I had known the person my brother was accusing was your brother, I would have been more skeptical. Trust me."

As for Victoria, she simply nodded in understanding. "I agree, they're still just kids," she said, her tone compassionate. "They're still growing up and learning about the world. And I think this situation has been difficult for both of them."

Meanwhile, the tension between Conrad and Adrian was palpable, even if it wasn't obvious. Conrad was certain that Adrian had stolen his money, and he couldn't understand why Adrian was denying it.

For his part, Adrian couldn't believe that someone he almost made his friend would accuse him of something he didn't do.