The Primordial One

"Dottore being in Sumeru is a huge problem." Aether brought up, "Scaramouche said that he has a bone to pick with Sibley and she's stuck like that for three days." He explained to Nahida.

The Dendro Archon pressed her lips in a thin line, "That's a problem alright..." Nahida commented, "The best thing to do would be to go into hiding for the time being, Sibley at least." She suggested.

Sibley pouted at that, "And I've been reduced to dead weight, great..." She fake cheered before turning to Akemi who nodded, "...Fine, I'll stay put." She relented.

"Good, we don't want you dying anymore than you already have." Akemi informed, "But what's the plan exactly?" She asked the others.

Aether shook his head, "We don't hav one at the moment." He responded, "We're still coming up with one." He explained.

While they were discussing, they didn't notice Nahida reading their minds, 'This should give some insight on them.' She thought, starting with Aether, 'We need a way to lure Dottore out.' That was to be expected, moving on to Sibley, 'Maybe dying would hasten the recovery?' That creeped out Nahida just a bit, then moving on to Akemi, 'I know you're reading my mind, listen, I've noticed something with Paimon, read her mind and see if there's anything that can help in this situation.'

Hearing that not only Akemi felt that her mind was being read, but also that she could feel that something was up with Paimon made Nahida curious, 'I should have destroyed Celestia when I had the chance.' That surprised Nahida a lot, 'If only I did that, Sibley would have not been assigned to Teyvat and she wouldn't be in danger like this, not mentioning the death of the original Archo-' Paimon's thoughts stopped, confusing the Dendro Archon.

A moment later, much to Nahida's surprise, Paimon turned to her, 'I thought I noticed something...' Nahida heard in Paimon's mind, 'Well now you know, but it doesn't matter.' Paimon put a finger to her lips, her eyes growing a bit darker, 'No one will believe you.' She finished before turning back to the others.

"Holy sh!t..." Nahida whispered, but then she remembered what Akemi said, and she was right, "Hey I have an idea!" She told the group, "What if we dress Paimon up like Sibley and use her as bait?" She suggested.

 The group looked positive that it could work, except for Paimon who just glared at Nahida who used sign language to say 'Suck it Primordial One.'

An hour later.

"Okay the staff and clothes are done, the eyes are the problem..." Aether commented, having finished outfitting Paimon, "Do you have any contacts?" He asked Nahida.

"I don't think that's necessary honestly." Sibley told the traveler, "Who's gonna focus on something as trivial as eye color?" She asked.

Aether nodded at that, seeing the logic, "Then I guess we're done, just need Akemi to follow Paimon around and the look is complete." He said, looking at the spirit who made a salute and moved over to Paimon.

Said pixie who hasn't said a thing the whole time looked at Nahida who gave a double thumbs up before signing 'You better not fuck this up like Celestia.'

Paimon sighed, "Can we get this over with?" She requested, wanting to get out of the disguise as soon as possible.

"Just go around, we can have Sibley look you over in the map." Nahida instructed, watching as Sibley projected the map.

A few minutes later.

"Say, Nahida, you seem to not like Dottore." Aether pointed out, "Any reason for that?" He asked.

The Dendro Archon just sighed, "You know, when a scholar of the school I overseer dives into child experimentation, simultaniously shooting to the ground the school's, not to mention the nation's reputation, you can understnad why I may not like him." She explained.

Sibley hummed in understanding, keeping her eyes on Paimon's location, until her movements started spazzing out, "Something's happening." She warned the other two, who focused on the map.

They kept their full focus on the map, seeing that Paimon was brought into a building, "He must be there! I'll go!" Aether said, but Sibley stopped him.

"Paimon's pin vanished, but I'm still tracking something!" She informed, causing Aether to look confused while Nahida seemed to have a hunch as to what was happening, that's when they heard a loud explosion, "The building disappeared, but uh... There's a crater in it's place." She explained.

Meanwhile, Before Paimon got captured.

Akemi escorted Paimon, who looked very done with life, "So... Primordial One." Akemi started, making Paimon's expression change instantly, "What's with the disguise?" She asked.

"...I'm. Just. Paimon." The pixie responded, "I have no idea who this Primordial One is... Maybe at some point i did, but not anymore." She explained.

This response made Akemi instantly realize that Paimon wasn't exactly happy about that, "I'll cut the pretenses, Sibley may not have read your profile, but I did, you are the Primordial One, the God that created the Heavens and the Earth." She dramatically said, "What happened to that?" She finally asked.

"...When I defeated the Seven Sovereigns I cut half of their power and gave them to the original Archons, or at least the seven that survived the Archon War, then to keep an eye on them I created... Celestia..." She explained with a voice full of shame.

Learning that made Akemi understand why Paimon decided to stop being a God, "You're ashamed of having created such a problem." She summarized.

"Who wouldn't be!?" Paimon exclaimed, "Ever since I made that failure I've been questioning my ability to be a God!" She explained, "I ordered the attack on Khaenri'ah! But that was just to throw them down a peg! And what did they do!? They buried the whole thing!" She recounted, "Also the curse that one of your colleagues removed from the Hydro Archon! I wanted them to tell her 'Good job, but don't do that again, it's dangerous.' And look what happened!" She continued.

Akemi frowned a little at that, feeling bad for Paimon, "I see where you're coming from..." She said, "But you shouldn't just give up! Take it as a lesson and learn from it! So you don't do the same mistake again!" She instructed, "Let's take Sibley as an example, during her first day she was about to fall to her death because she didn't know how the Freedom matrix's constructs work!" She recounted, making Paimon giggle a little.

"Do you really think I could-" Paimon was saying, but was interrupted when a sack was put on her head, while Akemi was put in an Electro cage.

"Move it!" One of the guys told the others, while Akemi couldn't help, but notice that they all looked the same.

"Lord Dottore is gonna be so happy to finally have his new test subject!" One of them said, "Especially after they unjustly threw him out of the Fatui." Another said, "I wonder how he's going to figure out how her powers work.", the one from before wondered, "Probably by putting her to the test, I heard that he has managed to get a serenitea pot from Liyue and made a whole testing grounds in there." Another said, "The only problem we'll have then is scraping what remains off of the floor." The first one said.

 After a bit of walking, they entered a building where they roughly dropped Paimon on the floor, "Perfect, let's see..." She heard a voice say before the sack was removed from her head, letting her see Dottore standing right in front of her, "...You..." He started before turning to his copies, "YOU GOT THE WRONG ONE YOU IODIOTS! THE REAL ONE HAS CYAN EYES!!!" He yelled.

The sight of Dottore made Paimon infuriated after what she heard from his copies, "You're... The real one?" She asked.

"Well I guess I could tell you since I'm gonna have to kill you anyways." The doctor started, "Yes, I'm the one who created these uselessness behind me!" He confirmed.

That was all Paimon needed to hear a she got up and her body started changing, "That's just what I needed." She said, her body stopping the change when she was slightly taller than Dottore, her clothes changing to match, "And what you need to hear, is that you won't be doing anything to anyone." She finished before snapping her fingers, causing everything around her to explode.

Profile 7 Updated!

Name: Paimon/The Primordial One.

Age: ???

Occupation: Teyvat's Original God.