Good Fucking Night

"Did I hear Kempia wrong?" Sibley asked Akemi, "Did that really imply that M.L.E. Is composed of living corpses!?" She questioned angrily.

Akemi was unsure if she should reply, "...Yeah, all of M.L.E. Is made up of reanimated corpses." She confirmed, thinking it might be worse if she didn't say a thing.

After that answer there was an eerie silence from Sibley, with the others feeling slightly unsettled and the surprise from seeing her come out of Energy Saving mode, "Nahida... What is she thinking?" Aether whispered to the Archon, prompting her to read the Dawn Breaker's mind.

Seeing only one thought, Nahida felt like puking, "I think you're better off not knowing..." She replied, wanting to forget seeing that.

"Yep... I'm done." Sibley said as she handed the Gnosis back to Nahida, "Nice seeing you, we'll be going." She told the child sized God before grabbing Paimon and Aether and teleporting away to Fontaine.

Akemi stuck around for a moment longer, "...Guess I'll see you another time?" She told Nahida unsure before teleporting after Sibley.

Fontaine City.

The moment they got there, Sibley immediately turned Aether and Paimon to face her, "Alright listen up you two!" She started to make sure she had their attention, "I'm going to be taking a break for as long as we're here! So make sure not to get in trouble like in Liyue! understand?" She asked as politely (and fiercely) as she could.

"...We'll be sure to be on our best behaviour..." Aether replied, feeling a little scared, with Paimon frantically nodding in equal afraidness.

Sibley gave one nod before turning away to go do literally anything else, "I'll be anywhere that isn't a warzone, come check on me... Actually don't come check on me." She said, quickly correcting herself.

Looking at Sibley go away, Aether and Paimon sighed, "I guess we'll not be bothering her for a bit right?" Paimond asked Aether.

"Oh hey! You're Sibley's friends right?" They heard from behind them, proimpting them to turn around and see none other than Childe, "...Also the ones who apparently wanted to leave me, and the funeral parlor's director to die?" He added, remembering what Columbina told him.

"Yeah, we haven't really had a good interaction with any Fatui agent before then..." Aether excused himself, "Especially the Harbringers, considering the first we met would have probably killed us if it wasn't for Sibley." He explained.

Childe nodded at that explanation, "You'll have to forgive Signora, she can be quite... Sour when it comes to the Anemo Archon." He explained in return, "Although I think she got over that animosity slightly after getting to beat him up." He said unsure.

With Sibley.

"You know, after scanning you I knew you were... I think it's Fontanian?" Sibley told Arlecchino, "But I wasn't expecting you to be also assigned here." She continued.

Arlecchino sighed at that, "I run an orphanage here actually." She explained, "Funded by the Fatui, and there are quite a few members that grew up in there." She added with a small smile.

"If only my world had people like you..." Sibley muttered, thinking how much of a better place it would be, "Stern, gentle and you're willing to hear people out." She listed.

This description made Arlecchino get just a bit surprised, "You're making it sound like a legend..." She said with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Of course it is! Next you'll tell me you believe in fairy tales?" Sibley asked with as much seriousness in her voice as possible, "Although I guess that things like dragons do exists here..." She said, wondering if good people might actually exist in Teyvat.

"...Do you need someone to talk to?" Arlecchino asked with a worried expression on her face, "You sound like you do." She pointed out.

As Sibley looked at Arlecchino, someone approached them, "Greeting Lady Arlecchino, it's hard seeing yo around when you have orders from the Tsaritsa." She said with a slight bow.

Profile 35

Name: Chevreuse.

Age: ???

Occupation: Captain of the Maison Gardiennage's Special Security and Surveillance Patrol.

Element: Pyro.

"Good evening Captain, you seem a little on edge."Arlecchino noted, "Is everything alright?" She asked.

Chevreuse sighed at the question, knowing it would have been inevitable, "A lot of people have either been found dead or heavily injured, and we can't figure out what it is." She explained.

That explanation prompted Akemi to come out of Sibley's staff, "By any chance, do they look like they've been crushed by thirty something buildings?" She asked the oddly specific question.

Everyone looked weirded out by the question, except Chevreuse, "Yes. Yes they do..." She confirmed.

"Perfect... Just fucking perfect..." Akemi sarcastically said before turning to her partner, "It's an Assaulter." She informed causing Sibley to groan in annoyance and slam her face into a nearby wall.

"...I died three times this month, basically overthrew a monarchy, had to deal with my body being shrunk down and learned just earlier today I'm a literal fucking walking corpse." Sibley listed out, "Can I get some rest time" She questioned no one in particular.

Akemi let out an unsure noise, "Ehhh... I don't think you need to worry about that, it's the job of a SpiritCatcher, not of a Dawn Breaker." She explained.

"Oh good!" Sibley smiled in relief, "I'll call one to deal with it then." She said, pointing the stuff outward, "Sol and Luna." She told the staff which opened a portal through which the two small elites came out.

"Hey Sibley!" Sol greeted, "How you doing?" Luna asked, "You seem done with absolutely everything." Sol pointed out.

At the immediate breakdown, Sibley huffed, "I am done with absolutely everything thank you very much." She confirmed, "Also there's and assaulter." She quickly added.

The information made Sol and Luna frown, "Tell us it's a joke please..." Both of them asked at the same time, but Sibley said nothing, "Fuck..." They said.

"Sorry..." Sibley apologized as Sol pulled the dial out of the Freedom Matrix and jabbed it in his chest, twisting it and then pressing it in, "Overload Capture Mode: Activate." It said.

In a matter of seconds ALL of the spirits that were in Fontaine were caught by the Matrix and Sol then deactivated Overload, "I hope this doesn't happen again..." He said.

After that, Sol and Luna waved goodbye to Sibley and stepped through a portal, "Well Chevreuse, if that didn't work than I don't know what to tell you." Akemi informed the Captain.

"I hope..." Chevreuse responded, opting to take her leave to process what she just saw.

Arlecchino patted Sibley on the shoulder to get her attention, "How would you like to stay at the House of Hearths?" She offered, "It's getting late." She pointed out, looking at the sky.

"If you're offering." Sibley agreed, "I hope Aether and Paimon do well on their promise..." She commented, not remembering that a thing called foreshadowing exists.