Destruction of Celestia (END)

Everyone stood there looking at the transformed Sibley, scared by the horrifying aura she's releasing, "...Sibley?" Aether tried calling out, but got no response, "...Akemi?" He tried again, but still nothing.

Paimon tried approaching her, "...Do you... Have permission to deal with Celestia?" She asked, seemingly snapping Sibley out of her daze.

Aether and Paimon looked as Sibley opened her mouth, thinking she was about to say something, but instead she let out a monstrous roar that caused the entirety of Teyvat to shake, and generated a shockwave that pushed everyone away.

Right after she finished roaring, Sibley shot flying up at such a speed that creatd a vacuum that dragged everything to her take off point.

"Celestia is done for." They heard someone say, looking over to see none other than Lumine, "Aether." She greeted her brother nonchalantly.


Sibley kept flying at an impossible speed towards Celestia, her advance stopped by nothing until a wall formed by red cubes, which made her brake suddenly, only to violently punch it and shattering it.

"I have to admit I'm impressed." Sibley heard someone say, snapping in the direction to see a woman that looked very similar to Paimon, "But still, for your transgression I'll have to deal with you." She stated.

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In response Sibley only roared at the woman, creating a sonic boom that pushed her away, "A trick like that is futile." The woman mocked, before sending various red cubes flying at Sibley.

Even in her rampage Sibley could realize those cubes could do some damage so she dodged and weaved through them until she managed to reach the woman, where she punched her cheek so hard a loud crack souded out.

"Why you!" The woman lamented before giving her own punch to Sibley, covered in the energy she used to make the cubes, causing Sibley to get shot down to the ground, cracking away the scorched shell covering her, but also snapping Sibley out of her rampage.

Now back in control Sibley felt the knowledge of how what she became works, "So I'm the first?" She asked Akemi.

"Yeah, also would have been nice if Shiva Samba gave us the knowledge for when we got promoted to Dawn Breaker." The spirit replied in her partner's mind.

"Oh you know Gods, they work in weird ways." Sibley joked before flying back to Celestia, while activating something.

Up in the sky, the woman looked as Sibley was coming back up, "Of course she wouldn't le-" She was muttering to herself, only to be shocked silent when she saw Sibley suddenly grow to a gigantic size.

When Sibley stopped in front of the woman, she wasted no time in slamming her palms around her opponent while exclaiming "Delete!", causing the woman to just disapper into nothingness before she died.

"Why haven't had this earlier!?" Sibley questioned no one in particular before turning to the flying nation, "I guess I should give a fair judgement." She thought outloud, causing Akemi to laugh.

"Alright alright! I'll be the jury!" Akemi exclaimed, "This trial is for the accusation that Celestia broke multiple times the 'Don't abuse a Godly position' law, as witnesess we have, hold on..." She requested, looking down, "...All of Teyvat!" She concluded.

Sibley nodded at that, "With that kind of proof, the only verdict I can give is guilty!" She said, looking down at the city, "I sentence the entirety of Celestia to: Erasure!" She stated firmly, "Effectively... Right now!" She jokingly said before placing her palm in front of Celestia, surrounding it in a cyan sphere and then clenching her hand, causing the sphere and the city to disappear.

In Mondstat.

Diluc looked up where the city once used to be, "Maybe I should offer Kaeya a few rounds on the house." He considered.

In Inazuma.

"So do you still think you can defeat her?" Miko asked her Archon friend who just gave her an upset side glance, "Just saying." The fox defended herself.

In Sumeru.

Nahida smiled at the sight of the city disappearing, "Good riddance." She said, crossing out Celestia from a book that described the major locations in Teyvat.

In Snezhnaya.

"I can see how I was no match for her." Signora commented, her body covered in bandages from her encounter with Sibley.

"Are you content your maje-" Columbina was asking turning to her Archon only to see she wasn't there, "...Your Majesty?" she repeated confused before hearing the noise of someone cheering in the palace, "...Let's leave her to it." She decided.

In Fontaine.

While Aether was giving his sister the scolding of her life, which she took while having been forced to take a dogeza position by Paimon, Focalors looked up in the sky, "And justice has been served." She stated with a nod before turning to Neuvilette and taking Furina's hand, "We're going on vacation, you take care of things." She ordered, thinking this would be a fitting punishment for messing up like that.

The Hydro Dragon sighed at that, "That's honestly the gentlest thing you could have done." He thought, but didn't say a thing, knowing it could get much worse.

"So wait, doesn't that mean that the power of the Archons and by extention Visions are gone?" Freminet questioned.

That question made everyone with a Vision try to use them, only to see that they still worked, "It seems Celestia didn't give Visions or Archons their powers, but just regulated it." Arlecchino deduced.

At that moment Sibley landed back there, "I feel so much better! I-" She was saying before spotting Lumine, making the split second decision to give a punch in the gut that made the ground shake, "Now I feel even better." She stated, turning away.

"Yeah I deserve that..." Lumine responded, "Is there blood pouring out of my loins?" She asked, feeling something dripping out.

"If you don't mind, I'll work on fixing what Celestia messed up." Paimon told Aether, who proceeded to give her a hug.

"I'll be coming back here in Teyvat." He reassured, causing Paimon to let out a tear before she teleported away, and now Aether turned to Sibley, "So... What are you going to do?" He asked her.

Sibley turned to Aether with a face that says 'really', "I'm going to finish the break I was going to take." She responded before turning to Furina and Focalors, "You two were going on vacation right? I know a few places." She told them while opening a portal.

Furina and Focalors looked at eachother for a moment, "If you're offering." Focalors said, approaching Sibley along with Furina.

"Well then, goodbye for now Teyvat." Sibley said, giving away to those present, planning to come back when she got enough relaxment.