Chapter 10

Drystan felt so weak, his fever wasn't getting any better and he could feel his body getting weaker. He was looking forward to going to school again but it seemed like fate was making fun of him when he fell sick.

"Hey Big brother, you good?"

Drystan looked at the doorway when his brother peeked on it.

"Hey Sian, I think it's getting better"

His younger brother walked inside his room to take a look at his temperature and winced when he saw that it was still at 39 degrees Celsius.

"Getting better? seriously just what did you do to get sick like this? You have had this fever for over four days now"

"I don't know either, it's a first isn't it?"

Sian nodded at Drystan and let out a sigh, he noticed how Drystan was feeling restless since their mid-year break had begun. 

"I'll leave you to get some more rest then"

Sian stood up to leave his room. Drystan felt too weak to answer Sian and even when he nodded at him, he felt his head getting heavier. He tried to sleep but his mind was still wandering. He sighed, he was frustrated that he didn't get to school that day. He missed Galene like crazy and really wanted to see her.

"Damn it, you really got me good"

He chuckled to himself, he couldn't have imagined ever being this crazy about Galene. If someone told him back then that he would have fallen in love like crazy with Galene, he wouldn't believe it either. And yet here he was, his whole being invaded with the thought of Galene.

It wasn't like this was his first time falling in love but maybe because it was unexpected that it caught him off guard. His relationship with Galene was different from the get-go, he was so sure that he would hate her forever and yet maybe the reason why he didn't mind arguing with her every day was because he had fallen for her a very long time ago.

Who knows? He might have fallen for her since the beginning. 

Drystan drifted into sleep, smiling sadly at himself for realizing now that maybe he had liked Galene since the first time he saw her.

Drystan wasn't sure what time it was when he woke up but he was just grateful that his head felt alright now. The pain and dizziness had already faded away and he could feel it getting lighter. It also seemed like his fever was starting to subside now.

"Okay, let's go to school like this tomorrow"

He said to himself before standing up to change his sweat-drenched clothes. He was changing when he heard Sian at his bedroom door.

"It's open Sian"

Sian opened the door and peeked in just a little to see Drystan.

"Hey, someone named Galene is downstairs asking for you, know her?"

Drystan stopped in his tracks and faced Sian who was looking at him. 


He asked wanting to hear it more clearly this time. 

"Galene, she said she's from your club"

it didn't even take Drystan a second when he stormed out of his room and went down to the living room. He heard Sian calling him but hearing Galene's name and the fact that she was here sent every cell in his body into a frenzy.

Galene turned around as soon as she heard rushing footsteps from the stairs. Her eyes widened as she saw a disheveled Drystan rushing over to her. He looked like he lost some weight and was still sick by the way he was panting.

Drystan was so sure he would have fainted when he saw Galene sitting on their couch. She was still wearing their uniform with her sling bag, and yet for him, she couldn't have been more beautiful.

He felt his knees weaken when Galene stood up to meet him halfway. It was only then that he realized the reason why Galene was walking towards him. He felt his head swirling again as he took another step, Galene who was right in time caught him before he fell down completely.

"Ahh Big brother"

Galene looked up the staircase to see Sian who greeted him at the front door. Galene was now holding onto Drystan who was still sick. She could also feel how Drystan's body was heating up.


Galene looked at Drystan who was now holding onto her. He felt her touch burn him. He met her gaze and he could've sworn this was the lousiest thing he could have ever done. 

"You idiot, if you're not well then don't run like that on the stairs, what if something bad happens?"

Drystan couldn't believe his eyes and ears, maybe he was hallucinating but seeing how worried Galene is right now made him happy. He chuckled which only irritated Galene further.

"Sorry, uhm…"

Galene shifted her gaze to Sian who was now beside them.

"Ohh it's Sian"

"Sian, can you help me get Zael back in his room?"

Somehow, Sian was stunned to hear someone call Drystan by his second name but when he looked at him, he somehow knew the gist of it. He wasn't slow on the uptake with these things. 

"Sure, come on"

The two helped Drystan get back on his feet before supporting him upstairs back to his bedroom.

"Sorry my head just started spinning"

Instead of answering Drystan Galene just let out a sigh. She doesn't want to scold a sick person even though she knows that Drystan deserves some sense. They reached his bedroom and eventhough Drystan was sick he felt a sense of embarrassment when the realization that Galene was inside his room hit him.

The two placed Drystan in his bed to which he immediately closed his eyes to let his head rest while Galene stood on the side of his bed not knowing what to do now. She did go here to convey about school and band activities but if she had known that his situation was this bad, she would have put off going to his house.

Sian stared between Galene and Drystan and smiled to himself. Somehow he had a feeling that Drystan might start getting better tomorrow if he let them be, so he was willing to help his big brother out.

"Excuse me uhmm, do you mind if you stay with brother for a while?"

Galene quickly shifted her gaze towards Sian.

"Our parents are out and well we're out of ingredients so I can't cook dinner yet. If I don't cook some, he won't be able to drink his medicine"

Drystan smiled secretly, even though he couldn't see Sian and Galene, he could hear them and he so wanted to give his younger brother a thumbs up. He opened one of his eyes to take a peek at Galene. He saw how she was contemplating, he had a feeling that Galene was going to try to leave before they could even talk and that's why Sian felt a need to interfere.

Galene scratched her nape and stared at Sian. She did want to leave quickly but she was in a bind now.

"I promise I'll be quick"

Galene stared at Sian who was now pleading to her. 

"Okay I guess, I'll watch over Zael for a while"

Sian and Drystan both smiled.

"You can stay for dinner after, I'll cook something for you too. Thank you so much"

Before Galene could refuse, Sian rushed outside the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Galene could hear his footsteps rushing out of the house. She glanced at Drystan who still had his eyes closed but a smile was plastered on his lips.

Galene grimaced when the reality that the siblings might have played her hit her hard. 

She let out a sigh before sitting at the edge of Drystan's bed. This was the first time that they had seen each other for over two weeks and yet Galene felt like she hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Did you and your brother planned it?"

Drystan opened both of his eyes to look at Galene. His headache didn't matter anymore, for him he wanted to stare at Galene a little while longer. 

"Whatever are you talking about?"

Galene saw how Drystan couldn't even contain his smile and for the first time, she felt defeated. She let out a sigh before putting her hand on Drystan's forehead to check his temperature. 

"You still have a fever"

Drystan met Galene's gaze and right now all he could think about was how he wanted to hug her. He let out a sigh as he took her hand and brought it to his lips. 


Galene stammered as she stared at Drystan whose lips were still on the back of her hand. Drystan was satisfied with how Galene reacted to him, seeing how he could affect her somehow was a ray of hope for him. He didn't let go of Galene's hand since she didn't try to pull away.

"I don't know why you're here but Astraea I am glad you're here right now"

Galene felt a blush creeping slowly in her face when Drystan smiled sweetly at her.

"Ther… there was something I needed to talk to you about"

"Is it urgent?"

Galene froze, no it wasn't. The thing about their gig was still a month away and it wasn't entirely necessary for her to come here just to tell him about it. So why? Why was she here then?

Drystan took Galene's silence as a no and somehow he wanted to know the real reason why she came here right after school hours. 

Drystan sat up with all his might and locked eyes with Galene who backed away when Drystan brought his face closer to hers. He smiled weakly at her.

"I won't kiss you Astraea, atleast not right now. I don't want you to get sick"

Galene pursed her lips and was the first one to break their intent staring competition. She did think Drystan was going to kiss her again that's why she backed away.

"Are you worried about me?"

Drystan watched as Galene froze on her spot. If he was thinking carefully, he wouldn't have asked it, because it was like he was digging his own grave. He waited but Galene didn't say anything and instead just kept on staring at their still intertwined hands. 

Drystan could feel the anxiety creeping up on him again but he denied it. He didn't want to think anymore right now. Galene was there with him, right at this moment, in his bedroom. It should be the thing that mattered the most.

"Astraea can I hug you?"

Galene lifted up her gaze to stare at Drystan who was seriously staring at her. She didn't know how to answer but she nodded lightly to Drystan's surprise. He smiled before pulling Galene towards her and enveloping her in his embrace.

Drystan let out a sigh as he inhaled Galene's scent embracing her tighter. 

"I missed you"

Galene didn't know how or why but she felt her heart beat faster the moment Drystan told her he missed her. She buried her face on Drystan's shoulders when she felt the confusion wash over her again. She never knew that being in Drystan's arms would make her more confused about how she felt for him. But then again, her body moved on its own before she could even answer him.

"I'm guessing you still aren't ready to talk about it?"

"I'm sorry"

Drystan smiled sadly before hugging Galene tighter. He thought this was the case.

"Don't be, I told you I'll wait"

"Right now, I'm still confused Zael"

Drystan pulled away from their hug only to see Galene's face a shade of bright red. He tried meeting her gaze multiple times but she would always be the one to avoid it. This reminded him of when he realized that he was in love with her.

"Astraea, Quincey once told us before that after you confess to a guy you like, you start to avoid them so you wouldn't fall in deeper and start to lose interest"

Galene's eyes widened.

"That… that is true but why… no how.."

Drystan just shrugged at Galene.

"Quincey told us that at one point and I just realized it now. I don't want that to happen"

Galene wasn't sure how much about her Quincey had told the guys but hearing Drystan say a fact about her made her embarrassed.

"I am thinking it carefully you know"

Drystan tucked a portion of Galene's hair behind her ear before smiling at her.

"I know, but I don't want to be like that. If you think too hard and it turns out that you confess to me just to get rid of those confusing feelings, I feel like I'll die"

Galene flinched at the word 'die'.

"That's going overboard don't you think so?"

Drystan shook his head.

"These past two weeks were hell, I missed you like crazy, and no matter what I do, you're all I could ever think about. I wanted to call you so badly but I knew I wouldn't be respecting your space if I did, so I controlled myself. You're driving me insane and you aren't even aware of it. That's how deep I have fallen for you, so no, it's not going overboard."

Galene couldn't answer Drystan because eventhough she was confused, the past two weeks were filled with thoughts of him and their kiss. She was just too egoistic to pick up the phone and talk to him. Now she guessed it was the same for both of them.

"So I want you to give me a chance"

"A chance?"

"Three dates Astraea, give me three dates."

Galene's eyes widened, Drystan was now asking her out on a date.

"If by the end of the third date, your feelings for me still aren't the same then I'll stop, and I promise that everything will go back to the way it was."

Drystan stared at Galene intently before bringing her hand to his lips once again. He kissed it before looking up at her.

"I'll make you fall in love within those three dates"