Chapter 17

Drystan fluttered his eyes open and rose up from the bed suddenly that even Galene was surprised. His gaze went to Galene's panic area that had now become his bed then back to Galene who was sitting on her desk now.

"Did I fall asleep?"

The question made Galene laugh. She didn't want to wake Drystan up that's why she let him sleep while she studied.

"It's already 10 in the morning Zael"

He slept for that long, somehow he felt embarrassed. He couldn't believe he had slept for that long, he was lucky that it was the weekend if it wasn't he was sure he'd be late to class.

He looked at Galene who was now smiling at him. He felt worried for some reason, it was because Galene was acting like everything was normal again. 

"Let me borrow your bathroom for a second"

"Sure, it's that door"

Galene pointed at the door adjacent to her bed. Drystan stood up and hurried to the bathroom where he locked himself in. He stared at himself in the mirror, he looked like a mess. He was just grateful that he didn't drool while he was sleeping, it would have been awkward for him if Galene had seen that.

Galene let out a sigh as she stared at the bathroom door. Earlier some of her neighbors were complaining about the madman again and all she could do was mutter a sorry. 

"Are you alright now?"

Galene broke from her reverie and saw that Drystan had washed his face. 

"Define alright"

She smiled sheepishly but Drystan didn't mind, he moved closer to her before sitting at her desk. He saw that she was studying. He grimaced as he stared at her. It was then that he realized that he hadn't called his home last night.


He took out his phone from where he had placed it last night and saw that there was only one text message. It was from Sian.

Kenzo called by to tell us that you'll be staying overnight at their place. But I know that's not the truth. Anyway wherever you are, be safe big brother.

Drystan scratched his nape while Galene just stared at him.

"Something wrong?"

"I forgot to message home last night but it seems that Kenzo had already took cover for me"

"It must have been Quincey"

Drystan's attention shifted to Galene as soon as she mentioned Quincey's name, he couldn't understand what she meant.


"Nothing, are you going to go home now?"

Was he? Truthfully he didn't want to, he didn't want to leave Galene all alone and he didn't want to leave her side.

"Do you want me to?"

Galene wanted to shake her head, she didn't want to be left alone. For the short while that Drystan had stayed beside her, she grew more afraid of being left alone. Her silence was enough to answer for Drystan.

"Then how about we go out, it's the weekend after all"

Galene glanced at Drystan who was smilingly looking at her.

"You owe me one more date remember?"

It was then that Galene finally smiled. 

"Do you have something planned again?"

Drystan just smiled back at her and sheepishly offered his hand.

"It's a simple one but I know you'll like it"

Galene surely got the biggest surprise of her life when Drystan invited her over. Their so-called third date took place in none other than his house. But what surprised her more was the fact that his parents were home.

"Oh my are you our Drystan's girlfriend?"


Drystan blushed so hard that Galene didn't even know how to react to it.

"Hello ma'am, My name is Galene, I'm his classmate and band manager"

"Oh please darling no need to be so formal"

"Are you two going on a date?"

"DAD!! Why are the two of you being nosy?"

Galene watched as Drystan turned red when his dad and mom laughed at his reaction. She glanced at the stairway behind them and saw that Sian was sitting there with a smile on his face.

"Aren't you two supposed to be at work?"

Drystan couldn't even believe this timing, why did his parents have to be home of all the times?

"Well, our meeting got canceled. Besides we couldn't meet her the last time she visited."

Drystan's mom smiled warmly at Galene as she held her hand. Galene noticed how there were callouses on her hands and yet it was so warm to the point that she could tear up.

"Dear, just call me auntie okay? You could even call me mom"

Galene wanted to cry at that moment, she wondered how such people could be nice to strangers while her blood and flesh were cruel to her.

"And will you please stay for dinner?"

Before Drystan could even answer, he saw how Galene smiled widely before nodding at his mom. He bit down his lower lip and drowned the words he wanted to say. 

If being around many people would help her forget about her problems then he wouldn't interfere in it. 

But he definitely do not like being the center of attention and topic during dinner. That was how long Galene had been in his house, and the worst part is that it was supposed to be a date but he didn't got to spend some time with her alone. His mom just wouldn't let her go.

"Ohh Astraea you don't know how much I wanted to have a daughter to chat with like this"

Drystan grimaced as he stared at Sian and his father who were looking away now. His mom heard him call her Astraea earlier which led to her doing the same. She had said that Astraea was a beautiful name and that it fits Galene perfectly.

"Oh, if you don't want and have no intention to marry Drystan, do you think I could adopt you?"

Drystan almost spilled his drink as he stared wide-eyed at his mom.

"Honestly they're my children but they could be a tad bit disgusting sometimes"

Galene laughed at her and shook her head at Drystan who was now staring at her.

"I think I'll accept the thing about adoption"


Galene laughed harder the moment Drystan stood up from his seat. Sian only looked at him with pity. 

"You do know that they're teasing you right?"

Drystan's face turned red the moment realization hit him. He sank down on his sat as he sulkingly said.

"You still can't adopt her mom, I plan to marry her. She'll still be your daughter so wait until then "

Now, it was Galene's turn to blush hard as silence filled their dining table. Drystan's father cleared his throat and so did his mother. Galene looked away from him and their dinner continued like that. 

Galene was weak with this type of confession. If she was being honest this was the first time that a man told her that he wanted to marry her someday. He glanced at Drystan and found that his ears were still burning red as he stared back at her.

"Ooh that's right stay the night Astraea. I don't want to let you go home at this time"

"It's not safe"

Galene wanted to refuse but the mere thought of her father banging and shouting loudly outside her apartment still scared her. She looked at Drystan and saw that he was smiling at her too.

Was this part of his plan earlier?

"Oh don't worry my dear, Drystan can just stay at Sian's room while you use his."

Drystan chuckled as his mother seemingly decided to let Galene stay the night. He did think of it earlier. No matter what happened, he didn't want Galene to go back there all alone. He understood just enough to know that Galene wasn't safe in her own home now.

"Did you feel pressured?"

Galene looked at Drystan who was taking some of his extra pillows and comforters. Galene sat on his bed cross-legged before smiling at him.

"I'm atleast grateful, I know why you did it but I'm happier because your parents are so kind"

"I'm glad you feel that way but this doesn't count as a date, just trying to make it clear"

Galene chuckled and nodded in agreement. Drystan sat on the floor cross-legged and looked at Galene. She had changed into a new shirt that his mom had lent her. He suddenly thought how nice it would be if it was his shirt she was wearing. He cleared his throat to shake such intrusive thoughts but his reddened ears didn't escape Galene's gaze.

"Thank you Zael"

Drystan sighed deeply as Galene smiled sweetly at him. He buried his head on her hands that were laid out on her lap.

"Don't do that Astraea, It's hard to control it right now you know?"

"Control what?"

Drystan looked up to meet Galene's gaze.

"Control myself from kissing you and many more things"

Galene blushed and she so wanted to avoid Drystan's gaze now but something was holding her back. She stared right back at Drystan. It was the same soft gaze she would receive from him now and then. 

She thought about it long and hard as she watched Drystan sleep earlier. He was an existence that comforted her through her ups and downs. Even their arguments were a form of comfort for her because they made her believe that she was still capable of being human. Still capable of getting angry, of crying, of laughing, and of being happy.

Drystan made her believe that she was still capable of anything, even love.

Drystan's eyes widened when Galene cupped both of his cheeks and went down to meet his lips. Galene closed the short distance between them and did what she wanted to do for a while now. 

Drystan stared eyes still wide at Galene as she finished their short kiss. He could feel his heart beating out of his skin. Galene was still holding on to Drystan while her eyes were closed. 

She didn't want to see Drystan's expression right now, she was afraid that she had been reckless but she just did what she had wanted to do. She opened her eyes when minutes had passed and the only thing that she could hear was Drystan's heavy breathing.

"That's unfair Astraea"

Her eyes widened when Drystan stood up and laid her on his bed. He was now on top of her, eyes preying on her as she lay there motionless. 

"You don't get to do the things I've been holding on to for so long"

Before Galene could even refute it, Drystan's lips went down to hers, intruding her mouth as he savored what he wanted to taste for so long. Galene's eyes closed as she clung to Drystan's shoulders the moment his kiss had become rougher. She could feel herself anticipating every movement that Drystan was making and that in itself seemed like a dangerous idea. 

But then Drystan stopped kissing her and Galene felt herself getting embarrassed for wanting more. It was then that she gasped as Drystan started kissing her neck. The small gasps and breaths Galene was letting out were making Drystan hungrier and crazier. He kept on biting, licking, and sucking the certain part of Galene's neck.


It was then that he stopped himself. He looked at Galene whose face was now overwhelmed with an unexplainable desire. He gritted his teeth and let out a heavy sigh as he buried his face on her neck once more. 

"Damn it Astraea, can't you just be mine?"

The strain in Drystan's voice was so visible that Galene almost told him the truth. About how she really feels for him. How she was already his and no one else.