Chapter 21

"Wait! He said that? My brother really said that?"

Galene covered her face with her hands as she embarrassingly nodded at Sian. Galene and he had been spending some time together since they had met again when Drystan brought her home. Their conversations were mostly about Drystan and her and as embarrassing as it may be, she actually felt good that she could talk to someone who loves Drystan as much as she does.

Although she could talk about this stuff with Serenity, it still felt different, especially knowing that Sian was Drystan's brother. 

Sian laughed as he lightly tapped at the dining table. Drystan's parents had invited Galene over again to have dinner. However, when she and Drystan arrived, his parents had declared that they hadn't gone out shopping for ingredients yet.

While Galene and Sian stayed behind, Drystan got dragged by his parents to accompany them, to which he complained.

But, what could he do? It's not like his parents were gonna go and leave the two of them behind in the house with no one else besides them.

And Galene wouldn't be able to hold back too if that happened. She could imagine immediately kissing Drystan if the two of them were left alone.

That was how much she had craved for him. She didn't want to admit that especially not when Drystan was restraining himself.

"I didn't realize how much of a romantic he is"

Sian stated as he laughed again. He had imagined Drystan to be so head over heels with Galene but he could never imagine him being so cheesy around her.

"He is actually, and he does make my heart flutter"

"Wow, I guess my brother already won"

Galene blushed as Sian stared at her in disbelief. She hadn't told anyone directly how she felt for Drystan but she did give hints to their friends and to Drystan too.

"Well, I just want to sort everything out first"

Sian nodded at Galene as he gave her a soft smile.

"Don't worry, I'm sure my brother can still wait for you, and no pressure"

Galene returned Sian's smile and remembered. Within the past few weeks, she had been staying at either Serenity or Quincey's. Then one day she suddenly told Drystan's parents and Sian about her situation.

She had decided to tell them beforehand so that she'd know whether his parents would tell her to stay away from Drystan or not.

They didn't though and that day, when Drystan's mom stood up to hug her tight, all her tears bursted open again.

Drystan's parents didn't tell her to stay away from him instead they wanted her to spend some days with them too. Something she never knew she'd appreciate more.

"You're still welcome to stay over you know"

Sian told her as he remembered how his mom and dad had urged Galene to stay over at their house in the meantime.

Still, Galene kindly refused and even now she was still shaking her head as answer to Sian.

"I still don't get why you don't want too"

Galene pondered on it a bit before letting out a sigh finally telling him the reason why.

"It's hard to have self-control especially when I'm going to be spending the whole night in his house"

Sian looked confused for a while before it finally sank in on him.

"Oh my God, I never knew you had such indecent thoughts. Wow Galene I'm only seeing you now in a different light"

"Hey!! Zael has them too you know"

"What do I have?"

Sian and Galene's gazes swung through the living room when they saw Drystan coming in, hands full of plastic bags. They were so immersed in their conversation that they hadn't even heard someone come in.

Drystan shot an eyebrow up when both Sian and Galene avoided his gaze.

"Were the two of you badmouthing me?"

"Huh? when did I ever do that?"

Sian said coyly while Galene was still avoiding Drystan's gaze which the latter had found amusing. They were definitely badmouthing me, he thought.

He walked towards the two and placed the bags on the table before going over to Galene's seat.

"By the way, where's mom and dad?"

"By the car, taking out some of the groceries"

He answered before he placed both hands on Galene's side, standing behind her, seemingly locking her into her seat. Sian saw this and immediately decided to run away.

"I'll help them then I guess"

He said a teasing smile on his face the moment he saw Galene's glare. The moment he had left their sight, Drystan moved his face closer to Galene's neck, inhaling her scent. He saw how her whole body stiffened when he moved and he liked the reaction he was getting.

"So what were the two of you talking about?"

Drystan's breath as he talked made Galene's skin shiver. He was right next to her and she knew that this was affecting him too but she couldn't deny the fact that this was making her nervous. 

No, rather than nervous, inappropriate thoughts were running through her head. She covered her face with her hands again when she felt Drystan whisper to her again.


He silently called her, through her fingers Galene glanced at Drystan. His face was close enough for her to kiss, his body near enough that she could touch. Every sense in Galene's body was now urging her to touch him, to feel him close, to tell him those three words.

No, she thought, she knew that Drystan was teasing him and if he could tease her like this, then she wouldn't give in that easily.

She let out a sigh before leaning back at her seat then looked at Drystan straight in the eyes. This sudden action surprised Drystan too, he was having fun teasing Galene but when Galene stared at him so seriously he felt it hard to breathe.

Before he could even say anything Galene reached up to touch to his cheeks, an action that made Drystan instantly freeze in place. Galene tried to hide the small smile creeping in on her face. She reached out and planted a peck on Drystan's cheeks instantly making the lad stand there seemingly frozen.

"Self-control Zael, self-control"