Chapter 23

"I shouldn't have let her go alone. None of this would have happened if I hadn't allowed her to go alone if I had insisted on coming along with her. None of this would happen"

Drystan stared at Galene who was lying unmoving in a hospital bed. He sat there lifeless as thoughts of regret haunted his mind. 

"Only the bones on her left leg had been broken although it might be hard for her to speak for the meantime because of the damage on her throat. The part that suffered the most was her head, she was already bleeding from there when you found her after all."

His gaze went to Aslan who sat on the chair on the other side of Galene's bed. He could see the dark circles under his eyes and a worried expression as he stared at Galene. 

"Thank you Drystan, if you hadn't found he—"


Aslan watched as Drystan cut him off, his fist clenched tightly as he bit his lower lip to suppress his tears.

"I should've just insisted on coming with her, I shouldn't have left her alone"

Drystan could feel his tears betraying him again as they fell one by one. That day he was worried and waited like how he had promised Galene but when night came and he didn't receive any call or message from her, he didn't think twice and ran for her apartment.

He had called Serenity earlier and when she told him that Galene wasn't there yet, it only made him more worried. There was no answer when he reached Galene's apartment, he was about to knock on her neighbor's door when he saw what seemed like blood on the wall. 

Everything inside him screamed, he looked around and ran up and down the hallway to search for Galene. It was then that he saw some blood on the stairs in the fire exit. His heart stopped when he saw Galene curled up on the bottom of the stairs, two floors down her apartment floor. 

He closed his eyes as he remembered how cold Galene's body was when he finally reached her. The blood that came from her head had already stopped bleeding and Drystan instantly knew that it had been a long time since she had bled. It had been exactly two hours since she parted with Galene. 

He cried as he carried Galene towards the nearest hospital. It was the first time that Drystan had felt fear take over every sense he had. Thoughts about losing Galene made him mad and scared. 

It was only when the doctors told him that she was going to be alright that he finally calmed down. He let the tears flow down his face as he called Quincey and everyone. Quincey on the other hand called for Galene's brother which led them to the current predicament.

"Don't beat yourself up Drystan, Alene wouldn't like it"

Drystan clenched his fist harder as tears started to fall again.

"The doctors said she has a concussion, it's not life-threatening and there was no threat of a blood clot forming inside her brain, but it'll take a while for her to wake up"

"What about the camera footage?"

Aslan clenched his fist as he brushed his free fingers in his hair. 

"I got it and the police are searching for them now"

Aslan would never forgive their parents, not when he saw how they were seriously trying to kill Galene. He didn't show the footage to Drystan for fear that he might blame himself more once he saw what Galene had gone through. And Drystan never really asked for it to be shown to him. 

Everything can come later, for now, what he wanted the most was for Galene to wake up.

"Why won't they just leave her alone?"

Aslan felt the anger in Drystan's voice, he let out a sigh as he took off his glasses and closed his eyes.

"They were always looking for ways to get money, it had always been like that. It was severe to the point where they wanted to sell the three of us off just so they could get their hands on some alcohol"

Drystan stared at Aslan who in turn was staring at Galene now with a sad smile on his face.

"I wanted to take Alene with me when I left this city but she didn't want to leave Quincey back then and when she met Serenity she only became more stubborn"

Drystan knew that part, he knew that she had stayed behind because of her friends.

"I couldn't blame her though, the first time I saw her smile and be truly happy was when she was with them. Now, I guess you're part of the reason why she wanted to stay behind again"

Drystan stared at Galene before looking at Aslan, his gaze full of resolve and somehow Aslan knew what he was about to say.

"Can you leave Astraea to me? I promise I would protect her with all my life, so…"

Truthfully Drystan was scared, Aslan was still Galene's official guardian and because of what happened to Galene now, he was scared that he might truly take her away this time. They were only starting to be happy together, he didn't want to lose her, not now, not ever.

"I don't need your promise of protection Drystan"

Drystan stared at Aslan who was now looking at him with a smile on his face.

"I need you to make my sister happy, if she's happy with you then I wouldn't interfere"

Drystan let out a sigh of relief. But what Aslan had said next caught his attention.

"Of course, that's for Alene to tell me herself. After all, you're asking for me to leave her with you for a long time aren't you?"

Doubts started creeping up inside Drystan's mind. Galene never really told him, was she happy with him? He knew that Galene had many doubts in herself, in her capability to love. So, did the thought of being with him for a long time ever crossed her mind?


"Seriously when did you grow up?"

"Ackk I told you don't pull my cheeks"

"But Aether did grow up well"

It was too noisy, that was Galene's first thought as she opened her eyes lightly. The white ceiling welcomed her along with the frantic noises of the people going near her bed.

"She's awake"

"Hey call the doctors"


Galene's line of sight went to the person standing beside her. She watched as his eyes full of worry started to tear up as they stared at her.


She reached out for him which he gladly took, he enveloped her hand between his warm hand and cheeks as he drew closer to kiss her temple. 

"I'm here, I'm right here"

Galene's eyes well up as she remembered what happened before, from the moment her parents beat her to her falling down the stairs. She wanted to ask what happened after but her throat had this searing pain that made it hard for her to speak. 


Galene's gaze went to the person standing beside Drystan, her younger brother Aether was eyeing her with tears in his eyes. She roamed her eyes and found Quincey, Serenity, Koa, Kenzo, and Malkiel all staring at her with worried expressions. 

"You finally woke up"

Before anyone could stop him, Aether who had been on edge ever since Aslan dropped him off jumped on Galene to hug her. 

"Hey Aether"

"You idiot, she's still injured"

"I was worried"

Everyone fell silent when Aether started bawling as he hugged Galene tighter. Galene didn't mind, she could feel the pain in her left leg, throat, and head but other than that, her body seemed fine.

She caressed Aether's hair and silently hummed. Aether was only 14 years old, and being only three years apart in age, Galene was undeniably the closest person to him during his childhood. 


Galene struggled to get the word out but when she finally did she felt all of her tears bursting. She felt Drystan caressing her hair before kissing it.

"We're here now Astraea, you're safe now"

Galene let out every fear and pain that she had been holding onto for so long. Being in danger and almost losing her life made her feel grateful for this moment. But it also made her more scared of what could happen from now. Galene didn't stifle her cries until she had tired herself out. 

The moment she opened her eyes again, everything was quiet except for the soft breaths near her. She looked around and saw Aslan and Aether sleeping on the couch.

"Astraea you okay?"

Galene turned to her right and saw Drystan yawning beside her. He stood up to sit at the edge of her bed. Galene took a proper look at Drystan and saw the deep dark circles under his eyes.

"Zael, how long was I unconscious?"

Drystan looked at Galene and smiled sadly. he caressed Galene's cheeks before lightly cupping it.

"If we count today then that'll be three days"

Galene held onto Drystan's hand that was on her cheek. She let out a sigh as she felt the warmth in it. 

"Who found me?"

She watched as Drystan carefully lowered his gaze, that was when Galene took notice of Drystan's tears. Galene held Drystan's hands tighter as she watched his tears fall one by one. 

"I shouldn't have allowed you to go alone. I should have gone with you then this wouldn't have happened to you. I'm sorry"

Galene struggled to sit up but when she finally did she embraced Drystan who still wouldn't look at her.

"I'm the one who should be sorry, I didn't fulfill my promise"

She felt Drystan shaking his head as he returned her embrace. He buried his head on Galene's shoulders as tears continued to flow from his eyes.

"I thought I'd lose you Astraea, I was so scared. When I saw you lying there unconscious, I only thought about how I might lose you and it scared the living shit out of me. I don't want to lose you, I love you so much that I'll die if I ever lose you"

A tear fell in Galene's eyes as she took in Drystan's feelings. 

Drystan let out a sigh as he cupped Galene's cheeks placing a light kiss on her lips. Galene chuckled lightly as she brushed her fingers to wipe his tears.

"Since when had you become a crybaby?"

Drystan sniffled as he hugged Galene tightly, showering her cheeks with light kisses as she giggled.

"You made me a crybaby you meanie. I'll have you take responsibility"

Galene finally laughed loudly which made Aslan and Aether wake up. They stared at Galene who was being embraced by Drystan. Her smiling expression was a sight to see. Aslan smiled as he called out to his seemingly oblivious sister. 


"Oh hey, did I wake you guys up?"

However, It was Aether who stomped his way towards Galene with a sulking expression. He harshly pulled Drystan away from her and hugged her waist as a glare was shot in his direction.

"What's happening right now?"

Galene looked between her brother and Drystan who was now in an intent staring contest.

"I told you don't go near my sister"

"I'm her suitor, who are you to forbid me?"

"I'm her brother and you're just a suitor"

"Ha, but I'm older than you and I got permission from Aslan already"

"That doesn't matter, she's mine"

"You two, if you're going to argue again do it outside. I'll need to talk to Alene"

Aslan sent a glare towards the two which sent the two into quiet modes. Aslan let out a sigh as he pointed at the two younger males.

"These two have been arguing ever since they met each other. Both of them keep on claiming you"

Galene laughed as she caressed Aether's hair. 

"Ae, were you worried?"

Aether's attention finally shifted towards Galene who was smiling at him sweetly. Aether shook his head as he buried his face on Galene's belly. 

"It's fine as long as you're fine now, then everything's okay"

Galene smiled as she placed a light kiss on the top of his head.

"Alene, are you alright now?"

Galene's attention shifted towards Aslan who sat at Drystan's seat earlier. Like Drystan, she could make out the deep under-eye circles in his face. She somehow felt guilty that she made everyone worry about her.

"There's no pain in my head anymore, although my throat and leg seem to not do well yet"

"The doctor said it'll take a while for your leg to heal but your throat should get better along the way"

Galene nodded, she stared at the three men in her room. She had just woken up from being unconscious but somehow none of them were asking her what really happened. How she ended up in this situation and who did it. 

"But why aren't any of you asking me what happened?"

The surprised expressions of Drystan and Aslan were enough for her to tell that they already knew what happened that's why they hadn't thought of asking her directly.

"They saw the camera footage from your apartment"

"Hey Aether!!"

"What? Ahhh although it was only big brother who saw it, the ugly man didn't have the heart to watch it"

Galene who guessed that the man whom Aether called the ugly man looked at Drystan and Aslan who was now smiling sadly at her.

"It's fine Alene, you don't need to say anything. We want you to just recover, live and be happy. Truth is, while you were unconscious, I filed a case to the court for their attempted murder towards you"

This didn't surprise Galene at all. She knew that Aslan would be like this, even before he wanted to file a case for their parents who abused them repeatedly but he didn't have any power back then to do so. But it was different now, Aslan was already a distinguished personnel who could put their parents in jail. 

What happened to her was only the tip of the iceberg but it was also the reason his brother needed to make his move. 

"Will it be fine? Would you guys be alright?"

She carefully asked her brothers. She knew that her brothers were already moving on with life and were starting anew. But she was worried that a case like this would tip their peaceful lives once more.

"Don't even worry about it Alene, this is something I should've done the moment you insisted on staying here. They will get what they deserve, after that only will I be truly at peace."

Galene saw how Aslan and Aether gave her an encouraged smile. Her gaze landed on Drystan who was staring at her worriedly. She smiled at him before asking Aslan her most important question.

"Then will you allow me to continue staying here by myself?"

Drystan stared at Galene who smilingly asked Aslan. He could feel himself getting nervous, he did get the permission he needed from Aslan but if Galene didn't want it then what should he do? He thought that after what happened to Galene, her trauma would only skyrocket and it might be hard for her to stay here because of it.

If that was her reason, what would he do? 

Drystan's eyes widened when he saw Aslan turn his head towards him.

"Well, your boyfriend did ask permission for you to continue staying with him forever, how is it? Do you want to stay Alene?"

It was now Galene's turn to be surprised, she felt herself get embarrassed the moment the word boyfriend got out of Aslan's mouth.

"Wait, boyfriend? I thought you were just a suitor?"

Aether confusedly asked, his gaze shifting from Galene to Drystan. Aslan's eyes squinted at Galene who avoided his gaze and at Drystan who was now blushing.

"You two are together now, are you not?"

"Well, not… yet"

Galene's shyly admitted which earned an eyebrow raising, arms crossed in front of chest demeanor from Aslan.

"So, you're telling me you two were kissing and hugging eventhough you two aren't together yet?"

The silence between Drystan and Galene spoke volumes and all Aslan could do was let out a sigh while shaking his head. At that moment all Galene wished for, was for the earth to swallow her whole.