Living in a World where the rich trampled on the poor, humans where cruel even to themselves. Sapphire added several obscene curses to the crowd that edged closed. They made it obvious she was no longer a part of them as they cat chased her down the alley. she blocked the sun from her eyes with her hand as she looked through and fro, the lines of trees seemed to extend for as far as the eyes could see. The plateau was massive. Her legs were worn out as they looked swollen, blood gnashed out from cuts made by twigs, stone and whip.

Lord Typhon had been watching the melee unfolding with both disgust and resentment. He rubbed his hands with malicious glee as he finally spoke ''HUMANS! They disgust me'' venom laced every word as he spoke. He wondered what her sin was that her own clan was hot on her toe, but he wasn't one to pry.

''Is this what your king had been up to? preying on the weak, I did not know he was such a coward.'' The royal envoy was taken aback by the brazen words; then he nodded, thinking he understood why the lord had used such an insulting word to his king.

''On behalf of the king I apologize'' The envoy looked at his shoes as he spoked, he was sweating profusely, he wiped his wet hands down the sides of his robe as he regretted voluntarily to send the men home. His gaze lingered on Lady Sapphire as he shook his head sadly ' SIN REALLY DESTROYS' was what he could think of before either men could respond, Sapphire did the unthinkable, she approached the horde of men, they looked wild and ferocious and proud. A magnificent sight, like a bolt of lightning, beautiful to observe from a distance but terrifying up close. The sound of the pounding hooves was deafening. She was surprised his men didn't try to stop her, probably cause she didn't seem like a threat as with trembling feet and giddy knees she threw herself at him as her legs turned limp and her head spun as she collapsed against his body.

Lord Typhon was too surprised to be angry as he looked at the woman with a quizzical look. She was in a sorry shape, she had taken a whip to her back and her skin had been shredded into bloody fibers, her legs and the bottom of her feet were not spared as they had taken a beating, blood dripped from the deep gash on the left side of her legs. He noticed the metallic strong scent coming from her, BLOOD!!!!! The look in his eyes changing for a brief seconds as his head whopped to the side, his gaze lingering on sapphire's bare neck.

''Help me sire'' He heard her say as her voice wavered as she held unto his robe like her life depended on it. He tilted his head and stared at her with a frown itched on his face. 'Craze woman! He was no Savior' His abnormal cold fingers gripped hard at her shoulders as he heard a whimper from her, as he forced her to stand firm in front of him.

'' Get lost'' He said, his voice low and calm but Audible enough to Wade off FOOLS like herself, but she wasn't moved. she had lost her son and her sanity in a damned day.

''They'll kill me...''

''I don't care'' He told her with an indifferent and unbothered tone as his gaze remained fixed on her. Standing just a few feet from her, He tried not to react physically but that proved to be impossible, she was beautiful; long, softly curled hair the color of the dark night, skin as pure as cream, eyes as blue as the raging sea as they seemed to sparkle and her mouth... Dear GOD!! it could make men go crazy. Even with the bruised face and the bloody jaw, she was irresistible. Lord Typhon could not let his mind digress like this. The last thing he needed was a woman confusing his thoughts. Even now his men were gawking. He turned to signal his disapproval but none spared him a glance. Sapphire was sinking in quagmire and saw no way out. she fritted in silence at the sound of this man's voice as she waited for him to decide her fate. If she taught Albert was scary then she better think again.

''Good sire, please reconsider. help me, those men seek my Blood''

''And why should I care?'' She pressed her lips to one side of her face and looked away for a moment. He was right, why should anyone care, He didn't know her and neither were they acquainted in her past life. She summoned every ounce of courage inside her as she spoke 

"You shall feel guilty if I die sire"

His response was a non committal shrug 

"Woman I've killed lots of people who were worthy to die by my hands----- He noticed the woman was twitching and rapidly losing the color in her face. A creepy smile spread across his lips as he struck his tongue out to lick his Lower lips, He smelt fear but watched as her face went admirably blank as she blinked her fears away.

"So if I were you I would back off, I'm not so forgiving"

His words strucked a warning chord able to Wade off idiots but the daft woman only let out

a long drawn out sigh

"I guess I'm not the only one who thinks in such a way " She found herself saying 

Totally Bewildered, he asked 

"What are you?"

"I dunno" Sapphire really didn't know, she had gone from a noble lady to a rogue which everyone wants dead, Even her own father. She watched the man's face intently as he mulled over something incoherent....