Hello, dear readers! Here's chapter 74! The group will finally learn some Spells! Although they are rudimentary since their cultivation are not that high and the environment is relatively poor when it comes to Cultivation.
I've got two new things for this week: The first is that I've finished re-editing chapter 14 if you want to check it out. I don't know why but I've been stuck on that chapter for so long. Or more specifically, on two paragraphs in it that I just could not find a way to improve. But I finally succeeded!
The second is that I've been crafting the places where Book 2 will take place. Slight Spoiler: It won't be in Molvograd. I've also planned the main events and most secondary events for book 2, so I think I'll begin to write chapter 89 tomorrow. I doubt I'll be able to finish it this weekend, so it'll appear on patreon next week.
Anyway, that's it for me!
See you next week!
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Molvograd, Molkovia, Earth.
Demian's P.O.V.
After the three reached the Library, they paused briefly before Bryn remarked. "She didn't mention where we can find the list of stuff stored here, did she?" The other two shook their heads briefly with Adeliya replying. "She didn't. But I'm guessing that those computers might have it." Since her suggestion seemed logical, they each chose one computer before trying to find anything to help them know what each Jade and book contained. Thankfully, they quickly found what they were looking for, the file being luckily placed in the middle of the desktop.
Interestingly, the file contained three lists of different works with their respective descriptions matching the 'Book Section', the 'Computer Section', and the 'Jade Section'. As Chi Gathering cultivators, Brynhild and Demian only browsed the third list, while Adeliya chose the one listing all the different books instead. While the young man was doing his best to memorize the 'catalog' of all the Spells, techniques, and other miscellaneous information stored in the Jades close by, he remarked. "I think that before learning Spells, we should learn about the basic stuff about this world. After all, we don't know much. Besides what's inside the book Sergei gave us, of course."
Bryn nodded while replying. "I agree. We need more knowledge to avoid being taken advantage of." Shaking her head, Adeliya replied wistfully. "It's not as if I could learn Spells anyway." Pausing for a second, she turned her head toward the other two's direction and added. "By the way, I've never really fought before... So, I'll probably need your help. After all, I doubt that Miss Lirov will spend too much time teaching someone who's not even at the Chi Gathering Rank."
The cousins swiftly agreed before they each returned to their respective searches. Unlike Demian who decided to go through the whole list, the other two did not spend too much time on the computer. Instead, they both chose the first book and Jade that interested them and started reading and absorbing information. As for Demian, because of his strong mind, it only took him a few more minutes to finish reading and memorizing the entire catalog. Once done, he closed his eyes and started creating a mental list of every piece of information he would need by order of importance, followed by the information he was purely interested in.
That process took a while longer before he finally felt satisfied. As his eyes fluttered open, a brief thought came to his mind. 'It's strange... There's nothing on Tier 2 topics and higher...' After contemplating, he decided. 'Forget it! It's already much better than nothing. I'll just deal with it when I reach the Peak of Chi Gathering.' Having made his decision, he stood up calmly before going toward the Information Storing Jade section of the Library. Now armed with the knowledge of every Jade's location, it only took him a brief moment to find the one he was looking for. He then put his hand on the energy barrier and let out a bit of his Inner Energy. Almost instantly, the barrier covering the item disappeared, leaving the round white rock ready to be picked up.
Despite finding the process pretty interesting, Demian did not waste too much time thinking about it. Instead, he picked up the white Jade and walked to the 'reading' area. Once properly seated on a comfortable chair, he put his hands down on the table in front of him without letting go of the rock. Taking a deep breath to calm his slightly tense nerves, he then used his Divine Sense to probe the white-colored item. The following process felt strange to him as his perception went through the surface layer without encountering any resistance, as it was nonexistent. Once a sliver of his Divine Sense was inside, a wave of information started automatically appearing in his Mind.
Thankfully, due to his Cultivation Base and the use of his Perk, his Mind was strong enough to receive the massive amount of information without being strained. Around ten minutes later, he was done with digesting the information contained inside. While letting out a breath, he mumbled. "This 'Basic guide for Cultivators' is really well made." In only a few minutes, Demian learned about everything that a Chi Gathering Cultivator needed to know. Of course, the information was relatively simple and if he wanted to deepen his understanding of any particular subject, he would need to find other specialized pieces of Jade. Nonetheless, what he gained already satisfied him.
As he was about to stand up to look for the second piece of Jade on his mental list, he noticed Bryn's thoughtful expression. Feeling intrigued, he asked quietly. "Something on your mind, Sis?" His question pulled her out of her contemplation, prompting her to respond while looking at him. "I don't know..." Pausing for a second, she added. "It's this Jade. What's stored inside is a Greataxe Technique." Tilting his head slightly, he questioned, amused. "Didn't you agree that we should learn more about his world before learning new Spells and Techniques?"
A look of embarrassment instantly appeared on her face as she retorted. "I couldn't help it, alright?" Chuckling discreetly, he waved his hand while replying. "Don't worry about it. I've already found out what I was looking for anyway." While speaking, he showed her the Jade in his hand, prompting her to look at it slightly before her gaze moved back to his face as he continued. "Anyway, you didn't explain why you look so confused." A few seconds elapsed as she seemed to be pondering on how to explain what was on her mind. "Does it have to do with the Technique?" He asked to help jog her memory.
She nodded her head before shaking it and saying. "Yes and no... It's... Okay, remember when I told you before that I felt like I'm accessing more memories as time passes by?" After she saw him nodding, she continued. "Well, when I used my Divine Sense to absorb that Technique's information, I felt like some new memories appeared in my mind." Her response made him both happy for her but also curious, prompting him to question. "What are they about?"
His question was followed by an expression of slight frustration on the woman's face. "That's the thing. They're still extremely hazy. The only thing I can tell is that they seem to be weapon-fighting Techniques. But what kind? I've got no clue." Understanding her predicament, he replied while wearing a reassuring smile on his face. "Since they're already in your mind, it won't be long before you can access them. So, don't stress yourself over it, alright?"
While nodding her head, she returned a grateful smile before replying. "I know you're right. I just got frustrated for a second with having those strange memories in my head that aren't mine." Shaking her head, she added. "Anyway, what's in your Jade?" After giving her a summary of the information inside the item, he claimed. "I think you should absorb the information in there. It's super informative." Nodding her head, she then followed him to put back her own Jade. A short while later, the two were back on their previous chairs with each having a new round white rock in their hands while their eyes were closed and their mind focused.
Around an hour later, while the three were immersed in their learning, Demian felt a pair of soft arms snaking gently around his neck before their owner whispered in his ears in a suggestive tone. "What you doin', handsome?" If it was anyone else, he may have been slightly irritated from being interrupted in his studies, especially since the information in the Jade he had in his hand was about Movement Techniques, something he was highly interested in. Nonetheless, he could not find it in himself to be annoyed at the mischievous woman. Instead, a warm smile surfaced on his face as he responded playfully. "We're studying, isn't that obvious?"
Giggling lightly, she quickly said hello to the other two women who briefly stopped their studying session to respond to her before refocusing on their respective books and Jade. With a look of interest, Seraphine commented while sitting by the young man's side. "You're all so serious. Is it that interesting?" Nodding his head, Demian then asked. "Did you see Anna earlier?" His question prompted her to nod before she replied while looking everywhere with a look of interest. "I just woke up when she arrived in our suite's main room. She had those Cultivation Resources she told me you guys went to get earlier. She also told me you three would probably be in the Library and how to get there. After that, she said she had some important things to deal with and left."
"Did she tell you anything else?" Demian asked, prompting Sera to shrug. "Not really. She just said that I should ask you guys about what you talked about earlier." Her response brought a wry smile to his face before he mumbled. "Why am I not surprised...?" Shaking his head slightly, he then proceeded to repeat everything Anna told them before commenting. "You'll probably need to ask her for your weapons tomorrow morning." With an amused smile on her face, she exclaimed. "Yeah, I get the feeling that she wouldn't make time today for me to get them." Mirroring her smile, the young man retorted. "That's for sure." Pausing for a second, he then suggested. "That aside, I think you should join us. You also need to learn some Spells and Fighting Techniques, after all."
As the words left his lips, the young woman's face turned serious before quickly agreeing. She thus went to get an Information Storing Jade before going back to Demian's side. What he found interesting was that, as he accompanied her to get the Jade containing the 'Basic guide for Cultivators', he noticed that she did not even need to deactivate the formation covering the white rock. Instead, her hand went through the Energy Barrier as if there was nothing there. She then grabbed the white bead and took it off the shelf without even triggering the protective formation. 'Fascinating...' He thought while wondering what was the limit of her power.
The two then went back to the reading area before Sera started absorbing the knowledge in her own white Jade while Demian returned to studying the Movement Technique he was previously trying to memorize. 'Water Gliding... An interesting concept...' Unlike a Spell, which is created externally through the use of Inner Energy and the ambient Elemental Energy, a Technique is internal. However, it was different compared to a Mortal Technique as the latter only had the form but not the Inner Energy circulation and thus was much less effective.
From his previous information gathering, he learned that cultivators tended to favor Spells rather than Techniques since the average Cultivator did not practice Body Cultivation and instead use their increasing Cultivation Base to nourish their bodies and make it stronger. The result, however, was much worse than following a proper cultivation method, but it was also less costly in terms of time and resources. 'With the strength of my physique being equal to my cultivation base, it'd be a waste if I didn't learn any Body Technique.' He decided previously when he made his mental list of things to learn.
A few hours later, Demian put back the Jade in his hand on its respective shelf while thinking. 'This was the last one I wanted to memorize today. I know enough to start practicing now.' Walking back to the reading area, he informed Bryn and Sera who were still there that he planned on going to the Training Field to practice the Spells and Techniques he memorized that day. "I'm coming with you. I feel like my brain will explode if I keep going like this." Bryn mumbled tiredly while rubbing her eyes.
"If the two of you are going, then I'll go with you. I don't want to stay here alone." Demian could easily understand Seraphine's concern as he noticed the numerous curious glances from the few people who were present in the Library. Indeed, while the four Mikhailovs memorized all that new information, people came and went, with several staying until now. Those people seemed intrigued by them, especially by Brynhild and Seraphine whose looks were visibly different from the average human. The older sister did not seem to mind the attention, probably due to often being in the spotlight as a World Renowned Fighter. Unlike her, however, Seraphine was more of the introverted type, at least when it came to people she did not know and thus did not enjoy the curious glances coming from those men and women sitting close by.
As the three left the Library, Bryn took out her phone and fiddled with it for a brief moment before putting it back in her pocket and saying. "I told Mom where we're going in case she wants to join after eating her lunch." "Perfect." Demian answered briefly before falling silent. While they were on their way to the Training Field, he started reviewing the basic information about Techniques and Spells in his mind to best plan his practice session. 'First, I'll need to find out about my Elemental Affinity. That way, I can maximize my learning speed. Then I'll need to master at least one Attack Spell, one Defensive Spell, one Movement Spell, one Attack Technique, one Defensive Technique, and one Movement Technique. Once I'm done with that, I'll have time to master additional Spells and Techniques... It'll probably take some time for that, though.'
Indeed, reaching the Elementary Mastery for Spells and Techniques was not too hard for talented Cultivators. However, if one wanted to go beyond that, it would take much more time and a high comprehension. Of course, because of his Perk, Complete Mastery was just a matter of time for him. Unfortunately, with the danger looming over their heads, time was something he had to carefully manage. After all, who knew if, by wasting a few days trying to learn a Spell or Technique he had no Affinity for, he would lose the chance to be strong enough to face Danilov and his men if he had to fight them?
'If I play my cards right and with a bit of luck, I'll be able to deal with Danilov relatively quickly. Hopefully, that man will give me enough time...' He thought after which he began going over everything he learned in the last few hours again and again until they reached one of the unused practice rings.