Chapter 5

It hasn't even been a week since the truth came out and yet, life was already unbearable.

Thanks to the principal, my name and face were all over the news and the internet. I couldn't leave my house without being harassed by strangers. Seriously, they don't even know me. Why do they involve themselves? I have to sneak around to get to school. I can't stay home because my mom is mad at me. I wanted to transfer somewhere else, but all my applications were rejected. At least, at this school, I'm not being harassed. However, I'm being ignored. Nobody wants to talk to me. I'm being pushed at the back of the classroom. I even have to bring my own food because I could no longer buy food at the cafeteria.

But the worse thing was to watch people begging Denis. They were all trying to get themselves forgiven.

One time, during lunch break, Sonia asked him.

- Denis, would you like to have lunch with us? 

- No, thank you!

Another time, the maths teacher approached him after class.

- Denis, you managed to solve those 2 hard questions on the test. That's impressive! With those skills, you could become a tutor. The pay is quite good. Would you like me to write you a reference? 

- I already have a part time job, thanks!

And the worst of all was Mariam.

- Denis, I'm sorry!

- Ok!

This scene was being repeated before and after class for 3 days. I was already disappointed with her, but this was too much. Doesn't she have any shame?

I couldn't bear it anymore. I couldn't stand people trying to get into that man good side, while completely isolating me like that. I need get my revenge. I need to make him pay for humiliating me like that. But what can I do?

That evening, in my room, I tried to forget about my problems by surfing on the internet. But all I could see was news about us. Can't get a damn break. Once something went on the internet, it'll never leave.

- That's it! The internet!

I can't erase the videos about us, but I can add something about him. If I could find something truly embarrassing about him, no that won't be enough. I need something more. I need to destroy his whole life. I need a video of him masturbating; no worse. What if he was being raped? By another man? Yes, that's it, get him, tie him, rape him, beat him and then upload a video of all of it on the internet. That will surely ruin his life.

But I can't do it myself. First, I don't want to rape him and second, I need to erase all evidence pointing to me. I'll need to prepare it carefully.

The next week, I've searched for people to help me extract my revenge. I made sure to use the dark web to cover my trail.

After a few days of searching, I've finally found a few people who wanted to help me. One of them was a serial rapist who had already 3 victims, 2 girls and one boy. If he had already raped a boy, he shouldn't have any trouble with Denis. The 4 others were thugs who used to collect protection fee from poor commerce. Just the people I needed. The only downside is that they ask for 5000 $. I didn't have such money, so I had to steal some of my parents. I'm sure they will understand. After all, it's to punish the guy who made our life insufferable.

On a Thursday afternoon, we made our move. We kidnapped Denis on his way home and drive toward an abandoned building. We bounded his hands and legs and put a bag on his head. 

We took him to the highest floor of the building and tied him up to a chair. To make sure we won't be found out, we had stolen a camera and I made a fake account to upload the video.

When everything was ready, I took the bag off his head.

- Hello, Denis!!!

- Paul? I was expecting Mariam! Where is she?

- Don't talk about that bitch!

- Hum? She is not here? Don't tell me she is not behind this kidnapping?

- How could she? That bitch is just a coward who ran when things get hard! Can you believe she said she will apologize to you?

- Oh! I thought it was just a trick! So, she could see when she lost. But you can't.

That guy, he is mocking me.

- I admit, I didn't think your data were being stored somewhere else. But you should have never gotten the police involved. My life is ruined because of you!

- Why shouldn't I? You're the one who wrong me!

- So, what if I was fucking your girl! You should have just accepted it! It's the best someone like you could hope for.

- Do you even hear yourself?

- SILENCE!! I see it's useless to continue this discussion. Perry, you're ready?

At my word, the thugs entered the room. The serial rapist was already bottomless and was already wearing a condom. His member was quite huge, much bigger than mine. And Mariam said I was already well hung. This got to hurt. I can't wait to hear him scream in pain.

Perry put on a mask and walk toward Denis. The rest of us went behind the camera and started live streaming.

Perry took his penis closer to Denis' face. Surprisingly, his face remained calm. But I know he is just trying to act tough. It is humiliating for a man to have to suck on another man genital. I wonder how long he could keep his composure.

As Perry penis was about to touch his lips, Denis grabbed it. 

Ha! Does he think Perry would settle for a hand job? Wait a minute! Wasn't he tied up? How could he use his hand?


Before I could realise what's happening, Perry screamed on top of his lungs and fell on the ground holding his crotch. Blood was coming from that place.

Denis got up and threw something on the ground. It was Perry's penis.

- He …. He tore it off!?

The sight of the blood made me fall on the ground. I wanted to run away, but my legs weren't moving. Denis standing in front of me, blood coming down his hand, the moonlight as background, and his eyes sparkling in the night, he looked like a movie character. At that moment, I understood, this guy was dangerous. He will kill me.

Fortunately for me, I wasn't alone. The 4 other thugs charged at him. Even if he was dangerous, what can he do against 4 people?

- GO AHEAD, KILL HIM!!! I shouted.

I wanted to humiliate him, but no more. I can't let such a person alive. I need to finish him now.

However, when the first thug got in contact with Denis, he got thrown out. 

- No way!!!!

We are on the top floor. If he falls from this high, he will surely die.


While I was worrying, the second thug crashed against the wall, next to me. I turned back to Denis and saw him holding the last thugs by the neck.

- Impossible!!

Last time, I beat him so badly that he got sent to the hospital. How could he defeat 4 people like that. They were thugs, used to fighting. Did he pretend to be weak? All of this was just to make me look bad at the police station?

Denis let go of the thug who collapsed on the ground and started walking toward me.

My legs finally decided to listen to me, and I tried to flee, only to be stomped on. I tried to take a look and saw that my leg was bending in a direction it wasn't supposed to. The next moment, I felt the pain taking over my body.


The pain was so intense that I almost fainted. I tried to hold my leg, but Denis was standing in front of me.

- NOOO! Wait! Wait! Denis, please stop! I'm sorry, ok!? Please!!

- … 

Incapable to run, I tried begging, however, he stayed silent. 

- Please Denis, we used to be friends! 

- …

- Remember! The first time we went into arcade, you won the racing game we played!

- … 

- We studied together to get into this high school!

- …

- And we walked together every morning to school.

- …

Why isn't he answering? Say something! Don't just stand there!


- …

Still nothing. He was just standing in front of me, looking at me with cold eyes. Has he always been like that? You're supposed to be an angel who will never hurt a fly. That's not you! You don't hurt others, you help them!

I have to do something. I don't want to die here!

- It … it was Mariam who came to me first. She's a real slut!

- …

- It's the truth! I didn't want at first and turned her down! But she insisted, saying she was horny. I understood that she was no good, so I took her away to protect you!

- … 

Denis still wasn't talking. He knelt and held me down with one arm.

- No, wait Denis! I wanted to apologize, but she refused!!

He raised the other hand in the air and formed a fist.

- She is the one who started those rumours, I swear!!!

The fist fell down on my face and suddenly, everything became dark.


I woke up with a start. 

A dream? Was it simply a dream? Oh, thanks God!

I let myself fall back on the bed, which was wet. I sweated a lot. I need to change my clothes and my sheets. That's when I noticed that it wasn't my bed. It wasn't even my room. Where am I?

The white wall, the blue sheets and curtains, this patient bed … I was in a hospital.

I tried to get up, only to be taken by intense pain that make me scream. That's when I noticed that all 4 members were plastered.

Not long after my scream, the room door was pushed open, and 3 peoples got in. The man and the woman in blue uniform, started doing things around my bed. The last person wearing a lab coat stood in front of me.

- Mr. Hien, how are you feeling? Do you remember what happened?

- I … my arms!

- Yes, all the bones in your arms and legs have been broken! You'll have to stay here for at least 6 months to heal!

- 6 months?

- Yes! Also, I'm sorry to say, but your genital had been severely damaged!

- What?

- We did what we could, but we had to amputate it!

- WHAT!?

- My apologizes!


- Please calm down Mr. Hien!!


When I shout, the doctor concerned face disappear and was replaced by a somewhat angry one.

- That asshole?

Even though he said that with a weak voice, I could hear it.

The doctor quickly regains his composure and continued speaking.

- You should rest Mr. Hien!! Now that you are awake, there are police officers who would want to speak with you.

- What? Why?

- As this is a criminal case, it is better if you talk to them privately.

- Huh?

Criminal? So, Denis is finally going to pay for what he did. Sure, we attacked him, but he killed one person and severely injured the others. Look at me! I can't even move.

The nurses finished their work, and all 3 of them left the room.

Half an hour later, police officers entered the room, and my expectation were betrayed. They weren't planning of arresting Denis, but me. The stream went live, and the people we invited reported it to the police. And apparently, Perry, whose penis Denis tore of, bled to death. They all witnessed Denis killed 2 persons, yet still claimed it was my fault.

The police said they will keep me inside the hospital until the trial. If I am proven guilty, I'll be transferred to a hospital prison.

I couldn't believe it. Why? Why can they see that Denis is the bad guy in the story. I just wanted to get revenge for what he did to me. Even if I had succeeded, he would have just been raped. It is nothing compared to the state I'm in. Why can't they understand that?

One month later, I was found guilty of kidnapping, assault, attempted rape, and other thing I couldn't understand. I was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Among the people I knew, no one took my side or even tried to help me. Mariam, Sonia, the teachers, my own parents, they all testified against me.

I was desperate, but my bad luck didn't stop there. 

After the trial, I received a message from my parents. I have been in the hospital for a long time and hadn't heard of them. They never visited me, not even once. And now that I was condemned, they still didn't come to me. They just sent a message. I was mad at them of course, but I thought it was the police which was preventing them from speaking to me. And so, I was hopeful for their message. However, the contain shattered the rest of my heart.

'' You're 18 now Paul, an adult. You no longer need us. This is goodbye. We are leaving the country, don't search for us!''

They were abandoning me, their own son. They were leaving me when I needed them the most. What kind of parents leave their kids in need and run away. There are no better than the principal.

Why is everyone abandoning me? What did I do to deserve that? I did nothing wrong!

The police was taking me, handcuffed, to one of their cars. On the way, I saw Denis standing beside the court room door. I was about to cursed at him when I noticed his expression. He wasn't mocking me. He wasn't even angry or looking at me coldly. He was sad. He was looking at me as if he was regretting something.

That asshole! Why is he sad? I am the one suffering here! My injuries aren't even close to be healed and I'm being sent to a prison. I … 

An image of Denis and I playing in the park came to my mind.

- I see!

Denis left the room. I close my eyes and let myself be taken away.

  1. (Author's note: and it was at this moment, he knew he fucked up!)