A Minor Investigation [II]

Madam Yang was frustrated after her old husband died of illness and her own son also died unexpectedly. She had been living in the Buddhist monastery for many years now.

In the past, Yang Yiting had never dared to take the initiative to meet the old lady, for fear of being tortured by the mother and daughter of the Wu family, she just wanted to stay quietly in the small courtyard until she got married.

But now Yang Yiting was different. She was determined to pay attention to the fact that she must retreat from public eyes of the Wang family. In this way, her position in the family would not prove to be even more difficult.

A woman who had been disfigured and retired. Even if she was the eldest daughter of Yang Yiting, in the famous Dasheng Dynasty, she wouldn't be able to marry into a good family.

Therefore, from the perspective of her current situation, relying on the big support of Madam Yang was also the best choice for her.

Early the next morning, Yang Yiting went to the Buddhist hall to see Madam Yang. The Buddhist Hall was built in the far northern corner of the Yang's land. The environment was quiet and solemn, and it was very suitable for mental recovery.

Yang Yiting stood outside the Buddhist hall for half an hour, and the mother monk who went in to pass her the message came out and said, "Miss, the old lady would like to see you now, please."

"Thank you, Miss." Yang Yiting nodded to the grand monk politely, without a hint of impatience. There was a hint of appreciation in the grandmother's eyes, and she appreciated Yang Yiting's calmness and composure. As expected, to be a child of the Yang family's ancestry, this attitude was really appreciated.

Yang Yiting followed the old nun through the corridors and came to the door of a quaint room. The nun said at the door: "Sister, your grand daughter is here."

"Let her come in." A familiar and dignified voice sounded from the inside.

The old nun opened the door and asked Yang Yiting to go in. Yang Yiting nodded her thanks to the mother, and then stepped into the threshold of the Buddhist monastery.

The light in the room was slightly dark, and the decoration was clean and elegant. There was a Buddhist altar at the center, with incense swirling around it. Kneeling on the brocade in front of the shrine was an old woman dressed in yellow clothes with frosty white temples.

Seeing Yang Yiting walking in, she slowly turned her head, and Yang Yiting met a slightly majestic and scrutinizing gaze of her grandmother.

She respectfully bowed and said. "I've met you well, grandmother." 

Madam Yang continued to examine her grand daughter for a while.

Yang Yiting did not cower or try to hide. She frankly met her grandmother eyes. Seeing that her grandmother had the intention to get up from where she was sitting, Yang Yiting stepped forward and offered her help to her, saying. "Be careful, grandma"

After assisting Madam Yang to sit down in the chair, Yang Yiting stood aside with a pleasing eyebrow, and said. "How are you doing, grandma? I know I haven't come to greet you in a long time, please forgive me."

Madam Yang listened to her truthfully, looked slightly awkward, and nodded gently. "I heard about your injury. Why didn't you rest to recover your body first? How is your body now?"

"Thank you, grandmother for your concerns. The family doctor said that as long as I take care of my body, it will not be a major problem. But the injury on my face is more difficult to treat, and it may take more time." Yang Yiting replied.

Madam Yang sighed softly, "Oh, it's really hard for you." Looking at Yang Yiting's uncompromising appearance, it was the same as her mother's back then. It was precisely because of such indifferent temper that she refused to reject her. And she loved her for that.

Because of the reputation of the Yang family, she defended the Yang family many times, but in the end she let the fox like Yang Mei Shi took advantage of it. Later, she didn't bother to care about these annoying things.

A year ago, after she came forward to win the marriage of the Wang family's only son, Wang Rong, for this girl. She only hoped that she could marry peacefully, and that she was worthy of the old man's entrustment and the friendship of the Yang family.

Unexpectedly, it would be unsatisfactory to come out like this soon. Now she only hope that the family was understandable, and didn't come to divorce just because this girl's appearance was ruined.

Yang Yiting didn't come to see Madam Yang remembering the sad past. She became sympathetic with a look of sadness, and pretended to be strong and said: "Grandma don't worry about it, I really don't care. It's just...". She trailed off, and knelt on the ground, "I have something to do, that's why I came to ask you for your support, grandma."

"What's the matter?" Madam Yang was startled by her sudden kneeling, and said, "Get up and talk."

Yang Yiting got up and said: "Yesterday, I felt better. So I went to the burning yard to pack up my things. Unexpectedly, I spotted some clues to what causes the fire. After thinking about, i believe that the fire was a little weird... ."

Slowly, in details, Yang Yiting told Madam Yang about her findings on the fire scene and her suspicions one by one. Of course, she only talked about Ma San, not about the mother and daughter of the Wu family. Ma San was just a subordinate. As long as Madam Yang would speak, there was no problem interrogating him. But she was not ready to touch the Wu's family mother and daughter.

Madam Yang had been in charge of the Yang family for decades, and she had become a fine woman. She suspected that the fire was unusual. Now she heard what Yang Yiting said, whether it was for the trust of the old man before his death or the Yang family back then.

Naturally, there was no reason for Madam Yang not to support her. She only said that for her to go and investigate. And she also assigned Sister Ning to her as an assistant. In fact, it was more to support her in the scene.

No one at the local authority knew that Sister Ning was the person next to the old lady, and having Sister Ning was the same as the old lady.

Sister Ning was the monk who led the way just now. Yang Yiting thanked the old lady, and showed enough respect for Sister Ning who had a good impression of the Yang family, but now that she saw Yang Yiting appeared a lot like her mother, she also appreciated her more and more.

With the support of the old lady, Yang Yiting had confidence in handling matters. She didn't like procrastination in doing things. As soon as she left the Buddhist hall, she sent Lu Zhu to call all the servants of the Yang mansion to the front yard, and sent someone to invite Yang Jiang, Wu family, Yang Ruo and the others.

When Yang Jiang and his entourage came to the front yard, they found that the servants of the mansion were all standing in the same yard. Yang Yiting was standing on the high porch and was looking at the crowd in front of her coldly. A woman was standing next to her.

Yang Jiang placed his eyes on the figure, and it turned out to be Sister Ning. What was this girl planning to do? Yang Jiang frowned slightly, and asked a little annoyed. "Yiting, what are you up to?"

Seeing that Yang Jiang had arrived, Yang Yiting bowed to him and said, "Father, I invited you over today because I want you to witness something and be fair in your judgment."

Yang Mei Shi said coldly from the side. "Yiting, what's this you're doing? Even if your father to be be fair to you, what do you mean by calling all your servants together? Are you afraid that your father would be unfair to you and you want to threaten him? "

Yang Jiang frowned deeper when he heard the words. He snorted coldly, and looked at Yang Yiting angrily.

Yang Yiting ignored Yang Mei Shi's provocative words. She confronted Yang Jiang and said to him: "Father, as you already know that I was caught in a fire a few days ago and barely escaped with my life. Now I found out that the fire was not an accident, but someone deliberately set the place on fire, harming me. So, I'm asking you, father, to be fair to me and severely punish the culprit."

After speaking, she peeked at the expressions of Yang Mei Shi and Yang Ruo. Yang Mei Shi was obviously taken aback and quite surprised, while Yang Ruo's expression was rather playful. She was neither surprised nor timid, but Yang Yiting saw a trace of panic in her eyes, sharply. Her hands were also clenched into fists and concealed in the the sleeves.

This was a sign of tension. Could this fire be related to Yang Ruo?