The Emperor's Arrangement

Who the hell was this Meng Yuan? Yang Yiting was really depressed at the thought. Why did she just think of a way of getting out of a marriage, only to have another one so soon? Couldn't they let her be a quiet old leftover girl?

Lu Zhu and Miss Xu were very happy to learn that the emperor gave the marriage approval to the mistress. But when they heard that the object of the marriage was Meng Yuan, they suddenly looked like eggplants smashed by frost, with a bitter melon face, as if they had eaten bitter leaf.

"What's the matter, is there a problem with Meng Yuan?" Yang Yiting asked puzzledly. She searched the memory of the original owner and found that the two had never met, and there was no information about this Meng Yuan.

It was no wonder that the original owner had been living a life of ignorance of things outside her bamboo windows, and only wanted to live a stable life, and could not demand her understanding of current affairs and politics.

"Miss, it's not just a problem, it's a big problem!" Lu Zhu said with a worried look.


"Miss, this Meng Yuan not only has his legs crippled, but I also heard..." Lu Zhu hesitated for a long time, still unable to speak.

Miss Xu sighed beside her, and then said: "Miss, it is said that this Meng Yuan not only has his legs disabled, but he is also inhumane."

Inhumane? Yang Yiting couldn't accept this word. After digesting it in her mind, she couldn't help but feel it was a little funny. It was easy for people to exaggerate the inhumane aspect of the dignified prince. Everybody knew that the gossip ability of the people in the capital was really extraordinary.

Thinking of this, she chuckled slightly, and said, "Isn't this great?"

"What? Very good? What's very good about it?"

"If Meng Yuan is not humane, how's that different from marriages in the past. Are they not as bad?"

Lu Zhu and Miss Xu looked at their young lady with wide-eyed eyes. How could the young lady not really be frightened? Also, since the fire, the young lady's performance had been abnormal. Could it be that the fire hurt not only the young lady's face, but also her brain?

Yang Yiting looked at their dumbfounded expressions, secretly amused, and said, "Don't worry, I know that nothing bad will happen."

As the object of her future marriage, Yang Yiting specifically inquired about Meng Yuan and his people, and felt that the emperor seemed to adore this guy. She wasn't afraid of marriage, but she believed it would be better if she didn't get the marriage now.

Meng Yuan's family was very famous in the Dasheng Dynasty. Meng Yao, the father of Meng Yuan, was the former Dasheng war general who was an admired hero throughout the empire. What more, he was the brother-in-law of the emperor.

Together with his son, they fought against foreign enemies throughout their lives, defended their homes and defended the country, and repelled countless infringements by small border countries such as Baozhi and Jinjin.

It was a pity that both husband and wife died young. Neither of them lived beyond the age of forty.

When the Meng family predecessor died in battle, their son, Meng Yuan, was only sixteen years old.

A few years after the death of the former lord of Meng mansion, the former lady of the house, Meng Ming, also died of depression. Since then, Meng Yuan had been supporting the entire family business of the Meng family with a weak body. It had been seven years since then.

Regarding the battle seven years ago, the people in the capital still couldn't help but sigh.

At that time, Baozhi's three hundred thousand army invaded the border and seized three cities in a row within a month. Zhengyang Pass was in a hurry. The whole country was alarmed and the people were shocked. If Zhengyang Pass was broken, Baozhi's army could drive straight in and point to Kyoto.

The predecessor Meng Yao was ordered to support Zhengyang Pass with a hundred thousand army, and within ten days he forced the enemy to retreat for thirty miles and regained two cities. However, when he reached Jinjin City, he encountered the enemy's main attack, and was seriously injured, putting him in mortal danger.

After receiving the news, Meng Yuan rushed to the battlefield alone to save his father and drove Baozhi's army out of the border territories. When he returned home, he only brought back the ashes of the former general, Meng Yao. He was also scarred, and his legs became paralyzed.

After that, Meng Yuan became the patriarch of Meng family, staying deep in the palace, living in a simple way and avoiding visitors. So, the house of Meng family gradually faded out of people's sight.

Although Yang Yiting had never seen Meng Yuan, in these descriptions, she could still imagine how proud Meng Yuan was before the age of sixteen, and the scope of her imagination was boundless in description.

Then such a proud man had to face the fact that his legs were disabled and he had literally became a useless person. How was he going to bear it?

But for her, Meng Yuan was really a better candidate than those who were healthy princes and grandsons. Although, he was still related to the emperor. But physically disabled and inhumane? That was fine by her. Then he wouldn't be able to marry a lot of concubines, so why would she be upset?

Both parents were dead, and the people living in the Meng Mansion were few? Then it showed that the personnel relations of the Meng family were simple, and she didn't need to look at the faces of any crazy in-laws.

Cold hearted and unfeeling, with indifferent personality? So did it mean that there would be plenty of free space for her in her future marriage life?

Just as Yang Yiting secretly made her own small calculations, another news came.

Meng Yuan had asked for an order. Due to his physical illness, he had not recovered yet. He had asked the emperor to postpone the marriage by one year. When he recovered without any problems, then he would marry according to the order.

Meng Yuan had made it known to the Emperor that he would accept the marriage arrangement if only he would accept the amendment. Everyone knew that Meng Yuan was sick and weak. He did not directly refuse to marry but only postponed the date of marriage. He already gave the emperor a lot of face, and emperor Ming naturally knew the truth of the acceptance when he saw the request.

When Yang Yiting heard this news, she couldn't help but give Meng Yuan a thumbs up. Look at how good people say what they said. If one year later his body still did not recover, the marriage date could naturally be delayed.

After all, no one could guarantee when Meng Yuan's body would recover, and to what extent he would be able to marry.

Since Meng Yuan was so compassionate to her, she naturally wanted to appreciate him. It was just that other people may not think so, such as Yang Mei Shi and Yang Ruo. Because Yang Ruo was about to marry into the Wang family, the mother and daughter had recently become more rampant.

Seeing that Yang Yiting actually didn't even look down on her for having a crippled down-and-out prince as a future husband, and deliberately delayed the marriage date, it was on many occasions she was mocked overtly and secretly.

Their arrogance in front of Yang Yiting became more and more vivid.

Yang Jiang was not concerned about Meng Yuan's delay in his marriage. Anyway, he didn't care much about this eldest daughter in the first place. Anyway, the emperor's imperial decree for marriage had been issued. There was no difference to him.

Although Madam Yang had guessed right about Meng Yuan's thoughts, she was still a little bit curious of Meng Yuan's nature. So she could only watch the development.

Yang Yiting herself was calm and gentle, as if the protagonist of this incident was not herself. But when she saw Yang Jiang that day, she asked him whether her marriage was settled, and whether the dowry left by her mother to Yang Mei Shi could now be handed over to her.

She could remember her father telling a while back that her mother's last words were that Yang Mei Shi would hand over the dowry to Yang Yiting when she was of age. Now that she was eighteen, it was logical that Yang Mei Shi to hand it over.

Hearing of this matter, Yang Jiang was also impressed. So he called Yang Mei Shi and asked her to transfer the list of dowry left by Yang Su and the two warehouses to Yang Yiting.