Let Me Be Of Help

Feng Ze was really angry. He didn't use his full strength with this palm at all, and the scholar did not seem to be a weak person, how could he die so easily?

But there was no other way. The facts were in front of them. The scholar indeed fell to the ground after being struck by Feng Ze. Everyone on the scene could testify, especially as more and more scholars gathered. Although Ju Ren wanted to defend Feng Ze, he was powerless. 

The Kyoto leader, Yin Yin, who quickly arrived on the scene, had no choice but to go with the fact he could see and escort Feng Ze to face justice.

Due to the status of Feng Ze and the Feng family, Kyoto leader, Yin Yin could only report the case to the Justice department. Dong Runan, the Justice Minister, was an old fox. Seeing that the matter was tricky, he easily pushed the matter to Lu Ziqing, the second in command at the Justice department.

Dong Runan smiled kindly at Lu Ziqing, but Lu Ziqing cursed him in his heart. He hated this but no matter how delicate the case was, he had no choice but to accept it.

As the son of the chief assistant of the imperial court, he was appointed to an important position at such a young age due to his father's influence. So, there were too many people watching him. Hence, he had no choice but to settle the case smoothly and satisfactorily.

It was just that Lu Ziqing didn't expect that he would encounter a problem right from the beginning of his appointment. To determine the cause of death, they would need an autopsy, but their examiner, Qin Lin was not available to do it at this moment. The assistant, Qin Nian, was relatively new, with no working experience. So, how was he going to do? For now, he had no choice but to send Qin Nian to the morgue to see what he could do with the autopsy.

At the morgue, Qin Nian was trying to look through the previous examiner's autopsy file, hoping to get a little bit of revelation, when he suddenly heard the guard saying that someone was looking for him at the door. He came to the door with his messy hair and sleepy eyes, and saw a youngish handsome gray-robed boy smiling at him. 

After thinking for a long time, he didn't seem to know him from anywhere, so.he curiously asked. "Are you looking for me?"

The boy smiled and said to him: "Are you young master Qi Nian?"

Young master Qi Nian? He was happy. This name sounds good. No one had ever called him that. So pretending to be old-fashioned, he answered, "Yes, that would be me. How can I be of service to you?"

The boy still smiled and said, "Master Qin Nian, my young master would like to show you something. If it's okay with you, please come with me."

Such a polite boy. His master must be no different. Qin Nian thought for a while, then followed the young man to a carriage on the corner of the street.

The boy stood outside the car curtain and said to the inside: "Master, Master Qin Nian is here."

"Alright." There was a soft response from inside the carriage, and then the curtain was lifted, and a white-clothed boy came down. The person was as pale as the moon, handsome and elegant, with a white jade mask on his face, which looked mysterious. 

Qin Nian was dumbfounded for a while.

"Please, forgive me for taking the liberty to ask you to come outside, brother Qin Nian." 

The gentle voice of the white-clothed man made Qin Nian pause, and he began to think about where he had heard that voice before, but he couldn't place it. So, he asked suspiciously, "Young man, do we know each other?"

"Is the relationship between people the most important thing, brother Qin Nian?" The young man in white asked with a smile on his face, "I'm Qin Mo Xin. I heard that brother Qin Nian has encountered an autopsy problem recently, isn't it. I believe I can help you."

This white-robed boy was actually Yang Yiting who was disguised as a man, and the gray-robed boy was no other than Lu Zhu. Yang Yiting heard about the incident regarding the dead scholar, and also knew that Feng Ze was imprisoned by the Justice Department. 

She somehow felt that Feng Ze would not be such a senseless person to commit murder openly without considering the consequences. As a martial artist, the mastery of strength should be easy. Moreover, the chance of death from a simple takedown with one hand was very rare, unless the scholar himself had a medical problem.

But without seeing the scholar's body, any speculation was in vain. So she deliberately inquired about the results of an autopsy conducted by the Justice Department, but accidentally learned that the Justice Department was currently lacking experienced medical examiner, and the only examiner they had wasn't available.

In the Dasheng dynasty, the work was not quite valued. So there were not many people willing to take up the work of an examiner. Most of the people lived in poverty and since they wanted to take care of their families, they only wanted a stable job and a fixed income. Forensics examiner wasn't one of them. Few people treated it as a profession.

Not to mention the fact that women didn't perform autopsy. Yang Yiting knew that if she asked her father if she could go to the Justice Ministry for an autopsy, she would definitely be rejected. If she then forced her way to the Ministry, she would definitely be divorced by Meng Yuan for insubordination, and she could be sent out of the Yang's mansion. So, after thinking about it for a long time, she decided to dress up as a man to meet Qin Nian.

"You can do a post-mortem? Are you a coroner?" Qin Nian looked at the handsome young man in white, with an expression of disbelief. The young man in front of him looked like a scholar with a literary style, how could he be like a workman who dealt with corpses all day long?

"Believe it or not, I will know when I have seen the corpse. Brother Qin Nian, you can be rest assured that I will not harm him, but will only help " Yang Yiting hoped to dispel his doubts as much as possible, and then said, "It's been two days. Can you keep the corpse in cold storage? We need to understand his previous medical history and eating conditions before his death. Brother Qin Nian, have you already performed an autopsy on the corpse, and has his internal organs been tested for poisons?"

"Not yet." Qin Nian was stunned when he heard it. Of course, he knew that an autopsy was an effective way to find the real cause of death. Unfortunately, he didn't have the skills right now to perform one. He was yet to learn it. However, it seemed that this young man appeared to really know that kind of thing. Since he couldn't do it by himself, he decided it was okay to give the boy a try.

So Qin Nian agreed to accept Yang Yiting's help for an autopsy, but in the name of the ministry.