A Thing Of The Heart [II]

This chaotic Wuji Sect turned out to be an anti-government organization. It was no wonder that Dong Runan, the top minister of the Justice Department, reacted so strongly when he saw the Wuji Sect's tattoo on the dead man. Yang Yiting thought deeply, took a sip from the cup, frowned, and said in disbelief. "Cousin, so you drink wine? I thought you only drink tea!"

"It seems you underestimate me so much, Yiting'er?" Xie Ming Yu looked at her slightly distorted expression due to the effects of the drink, feeling a little better.

"I think I did underestimate you, but as long as Ao Shuang doesn't underestimate you, then it's all good." Yang Yiting looked at him and said to him jokingly.

"Okay, even you, my cousin, dared to make fun of me. It seems that the days you've spent with Meng Yuan has provided you quite some skills, eh." Xie Ming Yu also teased her politely.

Yang Yiting was rarely so playful, so Xie Ming Yu naturally responded happily.