A Scar-free Face?

Yang Yiting searched one by one along the corridors of the wooden house until she found the end, but she still found no kitchen or anything like that. Could this old man be some sort of alien and not eat human foods?

Yang Yiting was helpless and had to come to the nearby creek. The sound of the water in the creek was like a flowing murmur, and the bottom was clearly visible. All sorts of fish, big and small, were swimming happily in the water.

Yang Yiting broke off a branch, sharpened one end with the scalpel that she brought with her, took off her shoes, rolled up her trouser-like skirt, stood in the stream, held the branch quite accurately, and quickly speared five fish.

After thinking about it, she temporarily piled up firewood by the stream. The pile firewood was found in one of the wooden houses just now, and it was just so useful. She used her knowledge of the ancient times to drill wood in order to make fire.