Old Man Duan [II]

"Girl, after I'm dead, you must cremate me and scatter my ashes in this South Khitai Sea. In this way, my remains can drift around with the sea and take a good look at the outside world while my souls travels beyond."

"Okay, okay. I promise." Yang Yiting looked at him with tears in her eyes, she didn't know what to say other than the nodding of her head.

"Young one, how I really want to eat your grilled fish again." Old man Duan smiled, with a little yearning in his eyes, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"Old man! Old man!" Yang Yiting knelt on top of old man Duan, sobbing.

Yin Zhan was dead, and the four guardians also died one after another. After Wu Chen died, a large number of Wuji Sect members also burst their heads and died. Just in one night, the power of the Wuji Sect had been disintegrated.

According to Old Man Duan's last words, Yang Yiting and Meng Yuan cremated his body, and then brought his ashes back to the warship.