Entering The Royal Palace [II]

After a long while, a majestic female voice finally sounded above her head. "Get up, Miss Yang."

"Thank you, your highness." After Yang Yiting thanked her, she slowly stood up from the ground, still feeling a faint pain in her knees. Heavens knew that these kneeling and saluting at every second and corner, were too inhumane in her eyes.

"I've heard heard of your beauty, Miss Yang. Moreso, that you're intelligent, smart, and unparalleled in wisdom and courage. Today. I've seen who you are for myself. I must admit, you really lived up to your reputation." The Royal Queen admired and acknowledged Yang Yiting's calmness just now.

"Thank you for the praise, my Royal Empress. I'm highly honored." Yang Yiting quickly bowed her head and said that she did not dare to take the compliment casually. She could hear the polite words and so on, and she could also say it.