A Further Investigation Of The Palace Maids

Two headless female corpses lay side by side in the morgue of the Department of Justice.

When Yang Yiting followed Lu Ziqing into the morgue again, she found that besides Qin Nian Sheng, there was also a middle-aged man in his fifties with small eyes and fat ears, making him slightly fatter.

After listening to Qin Nian Sheng's introduction, she learned that the man's name was Feng Jin, and it was Lu Ziqing's second work from Dali Temple.

This Lu Ziqing was probably hurt by Meng Yuan's poisonous and harsh tongue last time, so he didn't dare to trouble Yang Yiting again, so he had to ask Dali temple to give him someone to perform the autopsy.

This Dasheng Dynasty was so lacking in organized work that it actually wanted the next Minister of Justice to borrow someone from the Dali Temple. Yang Yiting couldn't help but secretly laughed.