The Curse Of Lou Xin Yue

"Return the blood jade to me." Yang Yiting approached Lou Xin Yue. Although her tone was flat, she was a little anxious. Seeing that Lou Xin Yue attached so much importance to this piece of jade, it must have its special meaning. Moreover, this piece of blood jade was so precious and could suppress hundreds of poisons, how could Lou Xin Yue take it away? More importantly, this was the first gift Meng Yuan gave her, and she must take good care of it.

"If you come any closer, I'll have to kill you." Lou Xin Yue had a vicious smile on her face, making her beautiful facial features a little distorted. Seeing Yang Yiting stopped, she continued. "This exquisite blood jade pendant is the keepsake of the mistresses of Meng Family through the generations. There is an unwritten rule in the Meng family that only the person who owns this jade pendant can become the mistress of the family. So, why will I give it back to you?"