Well Laid Plans?

Opening her closed her eyes, Yang Yiting took a step and slipped. She was struggling not to fall on the ground, when felt a strong and sturdy arms around her. The pair of strong arms firmly steadied her body, preventing her from falling down. 

Yang Yiting saw that it was Lu Ziqing who was with her and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little grateful to Lu Ziqing in her heart. 

If it wasn't for his quick eyesight and a quick hand to help her, she would really be down on her back on the ground with her feet in the air. In addition to being a woman here, and under the intense eyes of the royal members, it would be embarrassing to fall on the ground in such a posture.

She was about to say thank you to Lu Ziqing who supported her, when she heard Eunuch Li come in and communicate loudly.

"Your Majesty, the dragon emperor, Lord Yuan requests an audience with you."

Meng Yuan, here? Yang Yiting involuntarily looked out of the hall.