Hell's Fury [II]

It was Yang Ruo's voice!

Yang Yiting looked back and saw that it was indeed the pretty Yang Ruo, who was looking at her with big watery eyes, as if she was a little flustered.

This was totally strange of her half-sister. Yang Yiting frowned slightly. How could Yang Ruo, who was glaring at her resentfully on the seat just a few minutes ago, show such an appeasing look to her now? What the hell was she trying to do?

However, she didn't reach out to her. Yang Yiting didn't want to be entangled in any form of arguments with her half-sister, but due to courtesy, she nodded lightly, and replied. "Sister Ruo."

Yang Ruo took two steps forward, approached Yang Yiting, and said softly, "Big sister, I have something to talk to you about. Can we go to a quieter place to talk?"