A Swerve Of Fate [I]

"Foster father, I really don't dare to accept this order." Yang Yiting was really scared a bit, so she didn't dare to accept this Mozi order easily.

"Qing Shan won't misunderstand people. Now that he has decided to pass this order to you, he must believe that you can take on this important task, and I hope that you'll not refuse." On the side, Mo Qing Shan's cousin persuaded her.

The two uncles also nodded, and obviously had no objection to Mo Qing Shan's decision.

But Yang Yiting was still hesitant. She wasn't afraid of trouble, but was just worried that she couldn't take the responsibility. Although she was not a person who belittled herself, but Momen clan was the number one sect in the world after all, how could she command this world's heroes as an ordinary female leader?