Petals In The Wind [II]

In order to avoid giving Feng Ze any hope, she had to be cruel. So she said. "Since you have woken up now, it is inconvenient for me to stay here any longer. Feng Ze, you are seriously injured and need a good rest, so I will say my goodbye first."

Yang Yiting carried her medicine box on her back and resolutely turned around and walked out of the door.

"Yiting, no matter what happens, the feelings in my heart for you will not change, and no matter what the outcome is, I will not regret it."

When she was about to step out the door, Feng Ze's low and stubborn sounded behind her.

Yang Yiting's footsteps stagnated, she stopped, looked back at him, and whispered helplessly, "Feng Ze, what is it with you?"

Feng Ze laughed at himself, but his face was full of bitterness. He stared at Yang Yiting strongly, and asked in a low voice. "Yiting, if... if at that time, you and Lord Yuan didn't marry, would you accept my proposal?"