No Peach Blossoms

Swept through by his cold and stern eyes, most of the people present lowered their heads, not daring to face Meng Yuan's eyes. 

Yao Shang Shu, who was the first to propose that Lord Yuan should lead the army, trembled in his heart, and his legs couldn't stop shaking.

Meng Yuan was proficient in all aspects of martial arts, and he was famous all over the world at a young age. People said that the young lord of Meng mansion had a unique talent in the world. 

Back then, when he was ten years old, he went to the battlefield with his father to fight the enemy, and when he was thirteen years old, he led his troops to repel the attack of tens of thousands of troops from Beidi. How could they forget the shot arrow that killed He Yuan Shan, the General of Beidi.