No Peach Blossoms [III]

Meng Yuan shook his head again and again, struggling to sit up and grab Yang Yiting, but because of the effect of the drug, bursts of drowsiness struck, and he could only collapse powerlessly.

Yang Yiting was ruthless and retreated to a position where he couldn't reach her, and the eyes of attachment traced his deep and handsome face inch by inch.

"A-Yuan, I will wait for you at Jinyang Pass. After you have healed your leg affliction, come and and bring me home." After she finished speaking, she turned around resolutely and walked out the door.

Behind her came Meng Yuan's increasingly weak voice. "Yiting'er, you come back... Yiting'er!"

However, Yang Yiting walked out of the door without looking back, then closed the door and locked Meng Yuan's eager cry inside.