The Yin Ice Grass

"Tie Tou, don't be afraid. I'm here to help you." Yang Yiting kept calm and comforted Tie Tou while ordering the Shadow Guard to carry Tie Tou to her room.

She was only a forensic doctor. Although her medical skills had improved these days, it was still limited to superficial aspects such as trauma treatment. Detoxification was not her strong point.

If only Situ Gong was here.

Suddenly, she remembered that Situ Gong had handed her a bottle of detoxification pill before leaving. Although this detoxification pill couldn't detoxify completely, it could, at the least, temporarily alleviate the spread of toxicity.

She quickly instructed Lu Zhu to bring the antidote from the medicine box and feed it to Tie Tou.

At this time, the shadow guard who went out to find the doctor also came back. The doctor he brought was the tall and thin man who apologized for Tie Tou just now.