A Way To Make Some Money?

Baili laughed at Yang Yiting, letting her know that he was not interested in other things except herbal medicine.

Beidi and Dasheng have always traded frequently, so the two of them pretended to be herbal trader, and they went through the Beidi border smoothly. Traveling fast, at noon three days later, they arrived at the capital city of Beidi, Dading City.

In this world, the Central Plains was divided into four parts. Among them, Dasheng had the most vast territory and the most abundant products. Among the three smaller countries in the surrounding ring, Beidi was the most powerful.

Dading City was the capital of Beidi. Although it was not as prosperous as Cheojing, but it was still immensely prosperous. 

Walking on the street, the shouts of the hawkers on both sides were incessant. There was a constant flow of people, bustling and rustling. It was very lively.