Escaping The Schemes Of Lou Xin Yue

Although Lou Xin Yue could easily overcome Yang Yiting, she also knew that this was not the time to be aggressive. So, she gritted her teeth and said bitterly. "Okay, I promise you, you let me go first."

Yang Yiting shook her head gently and said lightly, "Miss Lou promised so readily, but unfortunately I don't seem to believe you." She didn't lose her hand's strength or turn her head, but said firmly, "Baili Xiao, come here."

Baili Xiao, who was opening his mouth wide, was stunned when he heard Yang Yiting calling him, he quickly jumped to her side, and said with admiration: "Brother Xie, Brother Xie, what kind of trick did you do just now? Teach me, okay?"

"Shut up!" Yang Yiting reprimanded him, "Turn around and I'll untie you. Then give this pretty lady a taste of the Seven Day Soul Breaking Pill in your possession."