A Grand Wedding [IV]

Wan Yan wasn't a fool either. Hearing the sarcasm in Yang Yiting's words, his face turned ashen. In his opinion, there was no room for a woman to put her beak casually in a situation like this, but Meng Yuan seemed to have no reaction to it.

Perhaps only Yun Yi and other people familiar with Meng Yuan's temper knew that the more he was silent, the more dangerous he was.

Yun Yi silently lit a candle for Wan Yan in his heart. *Crown prince of Beidi, you can provoke anyone, but you shouldn't provoke the lady. Do you think that exposing the secret of the marriage of the prince and the lady to their guests will make them look dull? When did the prince or any member of his family care about such things as reputation? And the strong psychological quality of the princess was obviously different from ordinary people, how could you be able to defeat such people with a sneer or two?*