What Do You Want, Jiang Xiaolian? [III]

The tall and thin man who was striding in from outside the courtyard door, was wearing white clothes and doning white hair, his face was frosty, his indifferent eyes showed no trace of warmth, only when he looked at Yang Yiting sitting on the stone bench, his eyes showed kind of warm.

"We've seen the lord." Yan Mo and Situ Gong quickly greeted him.

Jiang Xiaolian was overjoyed when she saw the sweetheart she was thinking about. Although Meng Yuan's icy eyes made her shudder in the hot summer day, but the chance to get close to her was so rare, how could she give up this opportunity to express herself.

Immediately, she took a few steps forward, approached Meng Yuan, and bent her knees slightly before bowing her head in salute. "Jiang Xiaolian has seen lord Yuan..."