Chapter Five

Oh! Shit, Isabella's cell phone bipped, it was message from her the manager of the gallery she worked.

"Come to the gallery shop, now! Almost all your art works have been paid for and your attention is needed immediately "

Who could this be, or has is this Lucas way of trying to make me happy again?, but he has done enough already....Bella's thought were wide and she couldn't figure out who would have done that for her.


She dashed out of the house in a hurry, not letting Lucas know the content of the message she received.


A bald headed young but old looking man seated at the front of the a dimmed screened Lamborghin.

This was "Corleone" Lucas's rival.

Isabella Ricci... A forced tone, sounding soft but husty called her name as she steps into the gallery.

You must be Isabella?.. I guess. Corleone said looking lustful into the eyes of Isabella.

"I am Isabella and how many I help you..?" Isabella said with a low tine, not letting her angry to surface.

"I got all of your piece of art, just my little way of helping the less previleged.." He said feeling funky.

Isabella stood for a minute trying to figure out the reason for Corleone's actions.

"Well thank you sir, I appreciate you can leave now" She said rudely..

Isabella left for the hospital to follow up the surgery preparation of her dad.


"Hlo ma'am, we tried reaching you earlier but to no avail" one if the nurses said to Isabella looking so confused.

"Is anything the problem?, how's the surgery preparation going and how's my dad's state?..." She asked all these without blinking.

A man with a bald head, came in today, claiming to be the brother of your dad so we had to discharge your dad"... The nurse said feeling unsure..

At this point Bella was confused and couldn't think of anything.

"Did you say a bald headed man?" She asked the nurse ..

"Yes ma'am" the nurse replied.

"That must be the Corleone guy I met today at my gallery shop ".. Bella said to her self in a soft and mild tone.

" I can't be going through this all because of a man whom I just met, what kind of man is he, what does he do for a living?", Bella was so confused.

She quickly called Lucas.

"Why are all these people threatening me, they even had the guts to drag my dad into your mess!".. Bella said with anger.

"What are you talking about?, is your dad okay, hope nothing has happy to him?".. Lucas asked being eager to know the reason for Bella's statement.

Immediately, Lucas ordered his boys to take him to the hospital, when he got there he net Isabella helpless and crying. This broke Lucas and made him more angry.

He knew his rival but the information Corleone is getting are way too personal.

"Could there be a spy in-between my guards or am I just over reacting?, I trust my guards and I know they cannot snitch" He was unsure..

Lucas picked Bella up and drove her to his safe house and told her to stay her until he's back with her dad.

"Do not open the door until you hear from me, take this gun for self defense"... He kissed her on her forehead using his hands to caress her cheek.

"Oh No!, Lucas I'm not good with weapons and I can't make use of it.., I..i'm scared please keep it to yourself ".. Bella pushed the gun away, bending her head facing the ground.

"Bella, bella!! Don't stress me, I'd you want your dad back, then you have to listen to me and obey everything I said to you, bye!"

He left with anger..

Just as they were about leaving the safe house, men's from different angles aith different cars, trooped in to the compound and there was a shoot out.

"I'm at the back of the safe house where he kept her.., come meet me up".. the voice said whispering.

The voice sounded familiar to Bella and she tried Peeping through the holes of the door to see the person but to no avail.

"Help! Help!!," Bella cried for help as soon as she overheard the conversation of the caller.

No one could hear her cry, she called Lucas on phone but the place was too noisy for Lucas to notice.

"Keep shut and do as I say", a strong male voice whispered to Bella, wrapping her wrist with a strong rope.

She sniffed the Cologne of the person and it also smells familiar.

"Could this be one of Lucas's guard trying to do this to me?, what have I don't to desert this..." Bella cried and wailed but to no avail.

"My dad is very important to me, so if you know you are taking me to my dad then I'll follow you" She said hoping to see her dad..

"Shut the fuck up and get your ass up" the saucy one said raising his voice.

She quickly stood up and followed them.


"I have an offer for you, you also have no right to say No to me".. Corleone said puffing the smoke of the hemp on Bella's face.

"Whatever the offer is I'll take it, please leave my dad alone " She said out of fear..

"Oh that's my girl, I know you are very smart and you know what you want..., so you're going to be my contracted wife and I'll free your dad and give you the life that you deserve..." He said making fool out of himself.

Bella laughed profusely and shook her head. "Do you know you're a very stupid man who is just so cunny?"

"What made you think I'll accept such offer from a notorious criminal like you?"... Bella said trolling a fake smile at Corleone.

"Then consider you Dad dead and also yourself, I give you 24 hours to make a reasonable decision" Corleone pushed her to floor and banged the door after him...
