Returning back to the Song's family


" Are you sure she's going to follow them?" Old Madam Song said with tears to old Master Song, sitting next to her.

" Don't worry, Mum, she will be back soon. I sent Paul to bring her back." Song Tae-hyun said.

Song Tae-hyun is the father to Song Chae-yeong, her twin brother, Song Joo-Won and Song Ae-Cha. He was a 45 years old man. Handsome, tall, and one of the most successful businessmen in Seoul and also the heir to the Song family.

" I can't wait. God knows what she had to pass through in that stinky village her mother took her to. We owed that child a lot, and must make it up to her." Old Madam Song said with tears. Old Master Song was moved too, but he's a stubborn man with pride.

He consoled the crying old woman.

" It's okay. We all know we owed her, and we must make it up to her, regardless of what." Old Master Song said softly.

" Grandpa, is it true big sis is coming today? " Ae-Cha said and walked further to the large sitting room.

" Yes. She's coming." old Madam Song said and sniffed in.

"Oh grandma, don't cry. She will be back today and our family will be completed. And we can hold a grand banquet to welcome her and make a peaceful family reunion." Song Ae-Cha said softly hugging Old Madam Song.

Old Madam Song's eyes lit up. She is in favor of holding a grand banquet party for Song Chae-yeong and welcoming her.

" Master Kwan, yes, we should make a peaceful family reunion and organize a grand party for my granddaughter." Old Madam Song said happily, calling her husband the name she normally called him when they were young and so much in love.

" Of course, we have to do that and introduce her to the world that our first granddaughter, and also Song Joo-Won's twin's sister, is back in the city, and she is the first young miss of our Song family." Song Kwan, the old master Song said, feeling good with the idea.

" Yes, that's good. " Old Madam Song said happily and wiped her tears.

After they finished planning on how to welcome Song Chae-yeong.

Ae-Cha stood up with a bright smile that could make anyone trust her innocent beautiful eyes.

" I can't wait to see big sis. I'm so sure she'd be looking so beautiful and big after so many years. " Song Ae-Cha said, smiling happily.

" Go get a dress and look nice. Your sister will be here soon." Old Madam Song said happily and urged Ae-Cha to go dress up before Song Chae-yeong's arrival.

" Okay Grandma," Ae-Cha said and left the sitting room to her room.

She got to her room and clenched her fist angrily. " That bitch is coming today to start living here and snatched everything from me. Why.? " Song Ae-Cha said to herself Angrily.

" Don't worry, honey. She can't snatch anything from you, okay? After all, that useless Hwang Yu-jin failed to eliminate her. " Song Ae-Cha's mother said from behind.

Ae-Cha was shocked to hear her mom's voice suddenly. "How did you get in? I thought I locked the room now." Ae-Cha said and took her seat on her queen-size, soft bed.

" Hwang Yeo-jin failed to kill her. I hate to see them focus their attention on her. It was her stupid twin brother before, but now it's her. I feel like I'm not the blood of this family." Ae-Cha said to her mum with tears.

" Don't cry. Let her come and let her get the attention for now, just a short time attention. But I'll make sure she dies together with her twin brother. We just need to think of another plan and kill the twins with one stone, killing two birds." Dal-Rae said to her daughter and touched her soft hair.

" We must get rid of them soon, and everything will belong to me, mum. You know I'll take care of you when you get old." Song Ae-Cha said and sniffed in, pouting like a baby.

" All is yours and no one can have it except you. Just be patient with Mum so she can think of a good time to get rid of our enemies. Remember how I got rid of their mother? Where is she now? " Dal-Rae said wickedly.

" She's dead. " Song Ae-Cha replied to her mum and smiled.

" Good. They will end up similar to how their mum died in my hands. " Dal-Rae said, smiling to her daughter.

" I love you, Mom. " Song Ae-Cha said and hugged her mum happily.

" That's my loving daughter," Dal-Rae said, smiling happily, and hugged her daughter.

" Ae-Cha also means loving daughter in the Korean language. The name suits you well because I've always loved my daughter right from birth. " Dal-Rae said comforting her daughter.

" Quick dress up," Dal-Rae said, smiling, and left the room.





" Young miss, please," Paul said and gestured for Song Chae-yeong to get in. spreading his hand towards the car.

Song Chae-yeong rolled her eyes, not comfortable with the young miss treats they were giving her.

"Hold. I need to talk to my Aunt." Song Chae-yeong said so coldly that made Paul and the driver shiver and feel chilled to their bone.

"Okay," Paul said, respectively, making sure he didn't offend the young miss of the Song family.

"Thank you." Song Chae-yeong said and smiled, but was cold.

She walked to her aunt and hugged her. "Call me if there's any problem or if Park Min-Jin is troubling you." Song Chae-yeong said softly to her aunt Kim Da-Eun.

"Okay. I'll be fine. Just be extra careful in the family." Kim Da-Eun said with tears in her eyes.

" I promise I will be extra careful and be fine. Bye-bye." Song Chae-yeong said gently and walked to the car.

The car door was opened for her and she hopped in.




"This is the information, everything about Ms Song Chae-yeong. She was raised here when she was ten years old. Her mom brought her to this town when the problem in the Song family was too much for her. So she brought her and hid her here and entrusted her to her stepsister Kim Da-Eun, but Ms. Song Chae-yeong had a twin brother that the Song family refused to let go of. Song Chae-yeong's mother struggled and took only Ms Song Chae-yeong with her and went back to the city. But her mission was to take the twin brother with her too, not giving up on Ms. Song Chae-yeong twin's brother and going back to the family. Her death was suddenly announced but not investigated." Assistant Im-Myung said, reporting about Song Chae-yeong matters that Lee Min-ho requested.

" Who sent those thugs to Chae-yeong and what happened?" Lee Min-ho, who was sitting on the couch with his expensive laptop, asked his assistant Im-Myung again while operating the laptop.

"Those thugs were sent to kill her by Ms Song Chae-yeong's boyfriend." Assistant Im-Myung said.

Lee Min-ho raised his head, looking so cold. His eyes were dark and cold like he was going to strangle someone. Im-Myung shivered in fear.

"Sorry, I mean Ms Song Chae-yeong's ex-boyfriend." Assistant Myung corrected himself and Lee Min-ho's face relaxed and calmed a bit.

Lee Min-ho raised his brow and said sternly. "Continue what you were saying."

"I investigated deeply to find out what happened between them that resulted in this. Ms Song's attitude suddenly changed towards MR Hwang Yu-jin and even broke up with him. Her sudden attitude was unknown to everyone. But according to what I investigated about Miss Song-Chae-yeong behavior and manners before were drastically different from her now. She was nice, calm, carefree, and naive. She was also not doing well in her studies but was always clingy to MR Hwang Yu-jin because she loved him, but what happened to her that changed her was unknown because she's a changed person now. Likewise, she's cold, smart, and powerful now, but her previous self was completely just a normal innocent girl who lived a normal student life, and was not interested in her studies since she fell in love with Mr. Hwang Yu-jin." Assistant Myung said and noticed his master's attention was now focused on him, looking so cold and scary.

"Find out everything about that man. Is he from the Hwang family?" Lee Min-ho asked sternly with his dark circle of cold eyes.

"Yes. He's the illegitimate young master of the Hwang family." Assistant Myung replied politely, holding his breath. Seeing his boss so colder than usual shows he's angry, which was rare to see him like this.

"investigate well on this matter about him, why Chae-yeong suddenly changed and became so cold to him. And make sure you watch every step Yu-jin takes." Lee Min-ho said, closing his opened laptop.

"Okay, sir. Miss Song Chae-yeong is leaving Puja town back to Seoul. Returning to the Song family." Assistant Myung said again.

" We're going back to Seoul today. Prepare to drive to the airport now." Lee Min-ho said and entered the room of the lounge. Leaving Assistant Myung standing.

"Okay, Master." Assistant Myung bowed loyally and left to prepare for the trip back to Seoul.