Seems seventh young master losses his memories

Lee Min Ho frowned, his face looking so cute and funny. "I can touch my wife or do you encounter any problem with that, Miss Yeong?" Lee Min Ho said sarcastically, raising his brows arrogantly.


Chae Yeong almost popped her eyes out in surprise," Is this man okay? Wasn't he the one who started it first? Now he's calling me his wife? very shameless." Chae Yeong thought and rolled her eyes annoyingly.

"Oh. Seems the seventh young master loses his memories. I remember you started this earlier. Now you're calling me wife?" Chae Yeong said getting angry already.


Assistant Myung's eyes popped out. "Did Miss Yeong just say Seventh Young master loses his memory? Did she not know she could get punished if she disrespected her young master? if it's someone else or any other woman who disrespected the young master, the person would already regret it before now. No one dares to talk back or disrespect the young master." Assistant Myung thought in his mind, but he dared not look back at them or make any sound to interrupt them, so all he could do was open the car door and excuse them while they were talking.

Lee Min Ho frowned with his dark eyes from anger.

"Aren't you scared of me? If anyone should disrespect me or talk back when I talk, you know I can punish that person." Lee Min Ho said with his dark eyes fuming with anger.

Chae Yeong glared at him cutely. She knew that what he said was true, but she was mad now she was a bit scared, but she composed herself and rolled her eyes cutely.

"Young master started this, but I'm not scared of you." She said and twitched her lips, biting it hard.

Lee Min Ho frowned and pulled her to his body then he pinned her in the car seat, their position was closer, and looked intimated with his nose touching her cheek.

Chae Yeong struggled hard to look away, not wanting to look at his face, but Lee Min Ho was strong and turned her face forcefully to look at him.

" Are you sure you're not scared of me?, don't even think because you know martial arts means you can beat me up, you know I'm a man regardless of what or who you are. I don't hit a woman, but I can punish you in so many ways." Lee Min Ho said with his voice hoarse due to the closeness between them.

Chae Yeong looked at him and wondered what he was up to. She did not know what to do, and she was scared. She had bitten her red rosy lips and tried to free herself from his grip, but she couldn't. Likewise, she was weak from holding her breath and managed to say something. "Please let me go, grandma will be mad at me if I'm late any longer." She spoke calmly like she was surrendering.

Lee Min Ho stared at her red rosy lip and his throat tightened, his Adam's apple moved up and down as he swallowed hard his saliva. He quickly let her go before he would do what he shouldn't have done.

Chae Yeong quickly ran out of the car and took a deep breath. Lee Min Ho stepped out of the car too with his hands in his pocket. He smiled devilishly and chuckled lightly at Chae Yeong's funny behavior.

"I'll come pick you up by 10 am." He said softly to her. Chae Yeong nodded her head, trying hard to avoid his gaze.

"Go inside." Lee Min Ho said with a smile.

Chae Yeong nodded her head and walked towards the gate, she pressed an alarm button, then the gate opened automatically and she walked in.

The guard bowed slightly and greeted her, "Welcome back, young miss."

Chae Yeong nodded with a smile in response and walked further to the house door.

The door was opened, and she got in and met everyone in the large sitting except her brother.

"Where did you go and come back so late? This place is new to you, and yet, you could go out carelessly without anyone knowing your whereabouts." Song Tae Hyundai said angrily just as Chae Yeong stepped in.

Chae Yeong rolled her eyes and walked in further to her grandma and grandpa.

"I'm sorry everyone, I went out with a friend of mine I met in puja and he's also from here, so he took me out to show me around, sorry I made you worried Grandma." She said, facing her grandma and grandpa with her cute little face.

"This is not puja. You should know how you go out here, and you must let me know your whereabouts any time you go out. I'm your father and I won't take any behavior from you." Song Tae Hyundai said angrily.

"Take it easy, honey." Dal Rae, the stepmother said to her husband. Chae Yeong rolled her eyes and sneered.

"Oh sis, your outfit looks good on you and your makeup is pretty cool. Seems you had fun with him, Umm I mean your friend, sorry." Ae Cha said, looking so innocent, trying to let everyone realize what was off with Chae Yeong's outfit. She knew her dad would want to say something about it.

"You shouldn't start how you live your life in puja here, following some random guy that would ruin your life. I won't tolerate such behavior from you. None of your brother or sister Ae Cha bring shame to our family, and you shouldn't bring shame to this family as well." The Hyundai said again.

"Stop all this Hyundai, she said she went out with a friend to show her around. Even if not so, be nice to her, and if you will train her, you should train her gently so she can learn." Old Master Song said.

"Father, you shouldn't spoil her. She didn't even respect me and recognize me as her father, look at how she's rolling her eyes while I talked. Is this even my daughter."The Hyundai said angrily.

"I've told you to give her some time, then she will recognize you as her father. If you're being harsh, how did you expect her to know and feel that you're a loving and warm father towards her and her siblings." Old Madam Song added.

Hyundai thought that was true and he couldn't say any more words.

Old Madam Song turned her gaze to Chae Yeong and called softly, "Chae Yeong, we were all worried about your whereabouts when we were unable to find you after the party. We all came back thinking maybe you were tired and left the party back to the house. Why would you go like that without letting your father or any of us know your whereabouts." Old Madam Song said calmly.

"I'm sorry Grandma, I know I was wrong, please forgive me for making you worried." Chae Yeong said softly and pouted her lips cutely in a funny way. Old Madam Song laughed and looked at the girl in front of her and remembered how she would pout her lips when she was wrong back then when she was little.

"Haha, you know when you made this face when you were younger, my heart softened." Old Madam Song said while old Master Song laughed too as he remembered truly when she did that those times when she was younger.

"Halmeoni." She called acting cute and hugged her grandma and grandpa.

This scene made Ae Cha so jealous and angry that she was going to vomit blood.

Dal Rae could see her daughter's face, so she walked to her and dragged her with her to the room before she lost her temper.

"Mom." Ae Cha called.

Dal Rae stopped when they got in the room and closed the door behind them.

"Be careful with your anger and don't mess it up yourself." Dal Rae said to her daughter.

"I know Mom, I can control myself, Don't worry." Ae Cha said softly though she was very mad and felt like killing Song Chae Yeong and making her disappear from this world.