Chapter 143: Daring mission 1

"Is that really what he said? Thank goodness." Said Frida in relief. She stared at the two witches who had a slightly worried expression on their faces.

"Why do you two have those looks? Everything is going according to plan finally."

"Vladimir said he'd send people to handle it. I can't help but wonder how? We're not talking about any witch but the first grade witch who haven't made an appearance for months. She could be anywhere!" Exclaimed Connell. Frida just rolled her eyes.

"She might be powerful, but she isn't invincible. But I truly wonder how they'd do it." She stretched her hands for Rito to hand over the items that were in two sacks. He handed them to her with a nonchalant look 

"All I know is that I want to be over with all of this once and for all. Frida, you said it would take at least three months?"

"Yes…. give or take."