Chapter 156: Strange Disappearance

"Did you find anything Phill?" The meeting with the Alpha's ended on a good note, the men he had sent to investigate Vivian Travers…. seemingly had news.

"Not really…..we only had a few words with her mother." Said a frail looking man. He had a rough looking face and on his right cheek was a huge scar spreading from his jawline to the edge of his eyes.

"What did she say?" Kevin lazily laid on the couch in the office, his fingers gliding across his phone. His eues were fixated on his phone, but his ears were paying close attention to the conversation in the room.

"That her daughter went missing about four days and she hasn't heard of her since then."

"How sure is she that she just isn't on vacation?" Shawn asked as he was perfectly relaxing into his chair, his hands interlaced as his elbows rested against the armrest if the recliner.