1. The Night of the Party

The gentle knock on my door broke my reverie. It was Isabella, my stepsister, a constant reminder of the complicated web of relationships that entangled my existence.

"Celeste, hurry up! The guests are arriving soon." Isabella yelled outside.

Taking a deep breath, I composed myself and opened the door. Isabella's eyes widened at the sight of my breathtaking beauty. As she should. Hm.

"Wow, Celeste, you look stunning. The perfect Yuchengco princess."

Isabella's voice is filled with both awe and a hint of envy. I forced a smile, grateful that my true emotions were concealed behind my polished facade.

"Thank you, Isabella. You look lovely as well."

A lie.

"Right. Let's go. Dad and Mom are downstairs."

As we descended the grand staircase together, my gaze caught a glimpse of my stepmother, Victoria, watching me with a discerning eye.

I had spent years trying to earn her approval, to be seen as more than just a replacement for my deceased mother. But no matter how hard I tried, it seemed her love remained elusive.

"You look stunning, my love, Isabella." She greeted her daughter with a soft expression.

"Thank you, Mom." 

"And as usual, you're late, Celeste." She turned to me with a stern look. 

"That's enough. The party will start soon." Dad interrupted before I even utter a word.

I snorted and rolled my eyes secretly. Witch!

The night unfolded in a blur of dazzling lights and polite conversations. I gracefully mingled with the guests, my every move was flawless and calculated. All the while, my mind wrestled with the secret I was carrying, the weight of it threatening to shatter my composure.

Oh, what have I done?

"Celeste! It's great to see you again after such a long time. It's been a while since I last saw the most beautiful daughter of the Yuchengco family. I missed you, dear." Mr. Almante, our family's closest friend and business partner greeted me and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"I missed you too, Mr. Almante. You've been in Spain for quite some time for business matters, right? I'm glad you're back." I greeted him back as I scanned him from head to toe.

"Yes, dear. I had to accompany my wife on her engagements." He replied as he guided me to the corner so we could hear each other. "Anyway, how are you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

I winced at that question. I was so used to being asked that by people in the business world, and my answer remained the same until now.

"Not yet, sir. I'm not ready yet." I confessed. Mr. Almante just shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his wine.

"Oh, dear. You know my son Gideon is also single until now. Do you want me to set you up on a date?" He questions, pertaining to his grumpy son who has an attitude. Oh, I really hate that guy.

He's an arrogant asshole!

"Oh, no, thank you. It would be embarrassing for your son. He's grumpy, you know." I laughed.

The Almante family was a close friend of our family, so I often accompanied their son Gideon to events like this. I just don't know where that guy is now. I haven't seen him since earlier. Maybe he wasn't here.

I would have been fine with him. He was handsome, intelligent, and hardworking, but he was just too serious and grumpy.

"Oh, that boy. I can't believe he still hasn't made a move to court you."

I fixed my hair and chuckled. As my gaze wandered in another direction, I found myself transfixed, unable to move from where I stood. I spotted a familiar face.

It was him, the man whose touch still lingered on my skin. Panic coursed through my veins as I realized he was approaching Isabella, a smile playing on his lips.

"Did they know each other?" I whispered to myself.

"What is it, dear?" Mr. Almante interrupted me and looked in the direction where I was looking. "Oh. That's the Rioflorida family. Do you know their only son?"

My heart pounded in my chest as I struggled to maintain my composure. Of course, I know that family! Who wouldn't know the very prominent family in this business world I have?

"He's their only son?"

"Yes, Celeste. They just got back from Rome and they're here for good. I heard that man is very elusive so very few people only know him. Looks like your Dad introduces him to your step sister Isabella."


I was at a loss for words. I just stood there, gazing at my family who were currently engaged in conversation with the Rioflorida family, while the man was still talking and smiling at Isabella. I didn't even know how to react. What the hell is this?

I talked to Mr. Almante for a few more minutes before I saw Dad approach the Rioflorida couple. With swift determination, I discreetly retreated to a corner of the room, my mind racing with plans to escape this tangled web.

Shit. Did they know each other? Is Isabella his girlfriend? Fuck! It can't be. No. No. No.

As I watched Isabella and the man engage in light conversation, I made my decision. It was time to flee, to protect my secret and the fragile stability I had built. I excused myself from the party, slipping away unnoticed into the night.

As the cool breeze kissed my cheeks, my steps quickened. With each passing moment, I distanced myself from the man I could never truly forget.

Or so I thought I could escape his ways.

"Excuse me, miss."

Just a few minutes after I had been standing outside, holding a wine glass, the man I had been avoiding earlier suddenly appeared behind me. I almost spilled my wine upon recognizing him.


He was so surprised to see me. As if he had just seen a ghost or something terrifying. Yeah, I get him. Even I would be so terrified to see him here. 

"Damn, it's you…" He mumbled. I saw how his intent gaze fixed on me.

My heart pounded even more. I could hear my own heart beating so loudly while thinking of what I should do next.

I heaved out a violent sigh and shook my head. "No. No, it's not me. I don't know you. Please, excuse me."

"Wait!" He grabbed my wrist!

A jolt of electricity coursed through my body as I felt his warm hand on my skin. In an instant, the audacious night we had shared rushed back to my mind."W-what? Get off me."

"Why did you suddenly disappear? When I woke up, you were gone. You didn't even leave…"

"Leave what? Were you expecting me to leave my contact information after that night?" I cut him off when I had an idea of what he was going to say. Is he serious?

"Well, yeah, because you said you wanted to repeat that night." He directly said to me as if all is well!

"What? No way!"

When did I ever say that to him?

Wait. Wait. Did I say that to him? No freaking way.

I forcefully removed his grasp. He chuckled. Slowly, the fire ignited within me as I saw how he was looking at me, just like that night. How he looked at me while I moaned beneath him.

"I see. So, it was just a one-time experience for you then?" He mockingly said to me and in just a snap, his expression was now serious and cold.

I simply nodded, "It is."

"But what if I don't like that? What if I want something more?" He insisted.

He was so persistent and his voice was firm and with full authority. Like I should obey what he said. As if I should agree with what he's saying. This man is definitely crazy. 

"Leave me alone. I don't even know you."

Before I could leave, he quickly caught me and enclosed me in his arms. He towered over me, causing my knees to tremble.

I felt a sudden dizziness as he accidentally bumped into me, and his lips brushed against my nose. I couldn't explain the mix of excitement and nervousness I was feeling.

I knew this was wrong. He and Isabella were acquainted, and I couldn't get involved with him.

"But you clearly said no regrets without knowing what you're getting yourself into. You gave in yourself to me knowing you were still a virgin that night. Why is that?" His expression clouded with confusion as if he genuinely wondered and wanted to know my answer to his question.

I could feel my entire face heating up. Did he really have to ask me that directly? Didn't he sense that I was embarrassed?

And so what if I was still a virgin that night before anything happened between us? It wasn't a big deal to me!

My hands began to tremble. My heart was raising while trying to get away with his hold on me but he's a bulky man. I can't take him!

"Why is it that you were saying you don't know me and you want me to leave you alone but in your eyes… I can see pleading in your eyes, don't you know that?" He said in his raspy voice, again, while staring at me intently.

"Do you want me to stay here?"

"W-what are you talking about?" I quickly averted my eyes from him.

I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of his slight smirk in my hearing. "I know who you are, Celeste Koa. Now, it's time for you to know who I am."

Before I could even utter a word, his mouth was crashing against mine. I was completely weakened by his sweet, addicting kiss.

My arms automatically snaked around his neck to balance my weight causing me to let go of the wine glass and broke it to the ground.

However, our intense kiss was abruptly cut short when we heard approaching footsteps. He quickly sprang into action, pulling me away from the scene. Before I knew it, I found myself inside his car.

"Damn it!" He mutters some curses.

Anxiety surged through my heart as I saw who emerged. It was Isabella!

"It's Isabella. You should go. She's looking for you." I pushed him to go outside, but he didn't even flinch.

"I'm not going back to that party." He firmly declared.

"But she's your girlfriend!"

"She's not! Now, slow down. Where do you want to go?"

I looked at him with so much confusion. He was serious. What was he planning?


"Anywhere you want." He utters as he starts to rev the engine of his car. 

"To do it?"

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Silly, no. I'm not going to take advantage of your vulnerability. I just want you to relax. I know how hard it is to be at a party like that, surrounded by many clients and potential investors. I'm tired. I want to rest."

I bit my lower lip with so much embarrassment. I couldn't say anything. It seemed like he had read my mind. "A-Anywhere. It's up to you."