6. Come Back

"Girl, you don't look like you've ever been pregnant and given birth. Ariah is turning six years old, but you still look so sexy. What's your secret?" Aurora praised me while we stood facing each other in front of a large mirror, both of us admiring each other's appearance.

Tonight, the social party at one of the towers of Percepta Group will take place. Mama and Papa, along with Oliver, have already gone ahead to the venue, while Aurora and I stayed behind at the hotel because we weren't done getting ready yet.

Aurora is one of the representatives of their company. It's a shame that Kim isn't here because she's still on a business trip.

"Not really. I'm still the same as before," I countered.

"Nah. You've changed a lot, Ce, believe me. The old you is nowhere near what you are now," she said, facing me. "Who picked out your gown?"

"Of course, it was me."

"Will Ariah be coming?"

"No, but she'll be staying in one of the suites in the tower with Benj and her girlfriend," I replied, giving myself one final look before I felt satisfied with my appearance.

"Benj? Oliver's younger brother?"

"Yes. They get along well, so I let them be," I said, referring to another son of Mama Harper and Papa Henry.

"Your new family is really amazing. A godsend. I have a lot to thank them for because they were there during the times when Kim and I couldn't accompany you in Spain."

I smiled and nodded. She's right. I couldn't believe the things the Fuentebella family did for me when I lived in Spain.

They became my family there, especially Mr. and Mrs. Fuentebella. They did so much to help me, especially for my daughter Ariah, and I feel like until now, I haven't been able to repay them even a little bit.

They were the ones who saved me during the times when I was completely devastated and almost couldn't recover. They saved me from my own fire that almost consumed me back then, and now, they're still here for me and my daughter.

"They even gave you the Percepta Group of Companies to mCelestege. I heard that even their eldest son Oliver wasn't allowed to have it by Madame Harper," Aurora continued.

I laughed. "Oliver has a different industry. He doesn't like mCelesteging their parents' businesses. It has been offered to him several times by Papa, but he refused."

"Even so, Percepta Group is one of the leading companies in the world, right? Second only to the Rioflorida Empire."

I was taken aback when I heard that name again. Aurora seemed to notice, so she didn't stop asking me questions while we were in the car.

"I'm not sure if it was him. He was wearing a cap and had long hair. He looked rugged and miserable. Very different from how he looked the last time I saw him before I left for Spain," I recounted to her while recalling what I saw at the restaurant the other day.

As I glanced out the window of the car, I realized that the rain was getting stronger. It's a good thing Ariah didn't come with me to the hotel and stayed with Benj instead.

"Really? When?"

"The other day, when I picked up Ariah from daycare. I'm not entirely sure. Liam also mentioned when we saw each other that day that he has been missing for a long time and hasn't been in contact with his family."

"Girl, that was big news back then and until now. After Mrs. Rioflorida's death, their son suddenly vanished. He left everything, including the company he was managing. I wonder if he's coming back now because, as you said, you saw him. Anyone who tried to look for him back then couldn't find him," she said, causing me to look at her.

"You know how powerful the Rioflorida clan is. If it's really him that you saw, it's possible that he's coming back now that his mourning period is over."

Those thoughts lingered in my mind until we arrived at the tower. The media presence outside was overwhelming, especially in the party hall. I also noticed that prominent figures from the business industry had arrived and were engaging in conversations with each other. 

couldn't help but feel a certain unease because I knew that I might come face to face with them tonight. Everyone was invited to this party, so it wasn't unlikely.

Am I ready to face them after six years of running away?

"Look, the Riofloridas," Aurora whispered to me, subtly pointing in the direction of the prominent family.

I immediately spotted the elder Rioflorida, accompanied by a woman in her 50s whom I knew to be his sibling, and her husband. In the past, his wife would always be by his side during such social events, and they were inseparable.

Now that his wife was gone, the sorrow, stress, and longing were evident in his eyes, despite his smiles for everyone.

"He's still grieving, I can tell. Especially since his only son is also missing," Aurora commented.

I couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness wash over me.

The ballroom is elegantly decorated with sparkling chandeliers, floral arrangements, and a vibrant atmosphere. The room is filled with well-dressed individuals engaged in conversations, laughter, and clinking glasses. A stage is set up at one end of the room for the upcoming bidding event. 

I gracefully makes my way through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries with various guests until I spot my family standing near the entrance and walks towards them with Aurora.

Mama Harper, a sophisticated woman in her fifties, and Papa Henry, a distinguished gentleman in his sixties, greet us with warm smiles along with Oliver. 

"Celeste hija, I'm glad you're finally here." Mom greeted me and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"You look stunning, dear." Papa commented.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Fuentebella," Aurora greeted my parents and glanced at Oliver who's standing beside our parents. "Good evening, Ols."

"I'm glad you made it here."

"Actually, we caught up the heavy rain outside, but we're good. I'm also glad you made it here tonight, Mom, Dad," I muttered.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world, darling. We're so proud to have you here with us tonight."

"Thank you, Mom. It means a lot to me," I replied and look at Oliver.

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence. I almost forgot you had a social life, sis." He playfully commented. I felt my cheek heats up because of his remarks.

"You know I'm a busy woman, Oli. But I always have time for family."